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what are foods sources associated with it and possible contaminants

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Q: What food has been associated with salmonella typhi?
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Which food item has been associated with salmonella typhi?

undercook ground beef

What bacteria that cause food poisoning and food-borne disease?

The top three are Campylobacter, Salmonella and Escherichia coli.See Related Links.

What are the micro-organisms causing typhoid?

The bacterium Salmonella typhi is the main microorganism responsible for causing typhoid fever in humans. It is typically transmitted through contaminated food or water.

Is typhoid caused by bacteria?

Yes, typhoid fever is caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi. It is usually spread through contaminated food or water.

How does salmonella typhi move in body?

Salmonella typhi go through intestinal mucosa to mesentric lymph node, then move through thoracic duct to blood stream, then enter it's target " liver, spleen and bone marrow" there it can multiplicate in high numbers.

What does salmonella typhi feed on?

Salmonella typhi is a bacterium that feeds on nutrients found in the human body, especially in the intestinal tract. It can also survive and multiply in food, water, and other environments where conditions are favorable for its growth.

Can you die from salmonella disease?

Food poisoning, mostly. But S. Typhi (Salmonella enterica Typhi) is what causes Typhoid Fever.

What is another word for salmonella?

Salmonella bacteria are associated with an illness known as food poisoning.

What is the difference between salmonella typhi and salmonella typhimurium?

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi. (Also called Salmonella Typhi or abbreviated to S. Typhi)This bacterium is the causative agent of typhoid fever. Although typhoid fever is not widespread in the United States, it is very common in under-developed countries, and causes a serious, often fatal disease. The symptoms of typhoid fever include nausea, vomiting, fever and death. Unlike the other Salmonelladiscussed below, S. Typhi can only infect humans, and no other host has been identified. The main source of S. Typhi infection is from swallowing infected water. Food may also be contaminated with S. Typhi, if it is washed or irrigated with contaminated water.Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (Also called Salmonella Typhimurium or abbreviated to S.Typhimurium)Until recently the most common cause of food poisoning by Salmonella species was due to S. Typhimurium. As its name suggests, it causes a typhoid-like disease in mice. In humans S. Typhimurium does not cause as severe disease as S.Typhi, and is not normally fatal. The disease is characterized by diarrhea, abdominal cramps, vomiting and nausea, and generally lasts up to 7 days. Unfortunately, in immunocompromized people, that is the elderly, young, or people with depressed immune systems, Salmonella infections are often fatal if they are not treated with antibiotics.

Which food contamination is associated with undercooked chicken?


What food contamination's is usually associated with undercooked chicken?

Salmonella is the food contamination usually associated with undercooked chicken

How does salmonella dysenteriae spraed?

Salmonella spreads because people do not wash their hands after going to the bathroom, or before handling food or before eating.