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acids work together to break it down

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Q: What food does amyplase break down?
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How does your saliva break down food?

it has special enzymes that break down food suckas

Where does food break down?

Food begins to break down as soon as it enters your mouth.

What substance is used to break food down?

Enzymes are used to break down food.

What antibodies help the stomach to break down food?

Antibodies are not used to break down food.

How do you break down food?

Your teeth chew it, then you swalllow and your acids in your body break down the food.

Which structures break down food and energy?

Mitochondria break down food and release energy.

What is the break down of food?

It is digestion.The process used to break down food is called digestion. Digestion helps break down food so that the nutrients can be absorbed into the system.

Does digestion help organisms break down food?

Digestion is the process by which organisms break down food.

What mechanisms break down food?

first it's the teeth and saliva. after you swallow the food it is the stomach acids that break down the food.

What best describes the function of the digestive system?

To break down food into nutrients.

How does a owl break down food?

i owl breaks food down by ........ u get to answer

What moistens food and begins to break down starch foods?

saliva moistens your food and it begins to break down starchy foods.