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Q: What following stages of infectious diseases include general complaints such as malaise and fever?
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What are the leading causes of mortality in general population of Romania?

cardiovascular diseases, cancers, pulmonary diseases, cirrhosis, infectious diseases

What are the leading causes of mortality in general population?

Depending on the country; but generally: cardiovascular diseases, cancers, infectious diseases, accidents, etc.

What is the typical sequence for a horse of establishing immunity to diseases?

Exposure to an infectious organism, a general immune response, identification of the infectious organism by the body, and the production of specific antibodies to fight that infection.

Diseases caused by pathogens are called?

N/aA pathogen by definition is a disease causing organism

What is the most common type of disease?

Infectious diseases in general accounted for 25.9% of all deaths in 2002. Lower respiratory infections, 6.9% of all deaths in 2002. HIV/AIDS came in a close second at 4.9%.

Who handles complaints about defective products?

Some companies have specific departments that handle complaints. It usually falls under general customer service to handle and resolve complaints like these.

How many ppl die every year?

Approximately 57 million people die each year globally, with leading causes including cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, cancer, and other non-communicable diseases. Factors such as age, gender, lifestyle, and access to healthcare can influence mortality rates.

Which of the following conditions is most likely to affect older adults?

There are no following conditions listed. However, there are general conditions known to affect adults as they get older. These conditions include arthritis, osteoporosis, and some diseases.

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Is 'infectious' a synonym for contagious?

No, they are not synonymous.In biology, contagious diseases are spread by personal contact or communication from a sick individual to a healthy individual. They are spread through physical contact, through air droplets, and through fomites. In this way, contagious diseases are easily spread. Examples include the common cold, the flu, TB, and leprosy.Infections are diseases that are caused by pathogenic microbial agents (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, worms and prions) that get into the body and cause problems. Some infectious diseases spread in the same way that contagions do. Others, however, are transmitted via bites from insects or animals. Others are acquired by ingesting contaminated food or water or other exposures in the environment.Contagious diseases can all be considered infectious but not necessarily the other way around. Anthrax, for example, is infectious but not contagious. It is caused by Bacillus anthracis and is transmissible through the contact with spores in soil and other reservoirs, infected hides or other animal products.Speaking in general, they are not the same. In figurative terms, the word, infectious is used to describe something irresistibly catching: her laughter is infectious and brightens up the room. Figuratively, the word, contagious is used to describe something that spreads rapidly: his excitement is contagious and everyone joins in.

What is an infection of your stomach and intestines?

In general, infectious gastroenteritis is an infection of your stomach and intestines.

How the broadcasting complaints commission regulate the media?

The Broadcasting Complaints Commission, and independent authority established by the National Association of Broadcasters, receives complaints from the general public about broadcasts they find offensive. The Commission reviews the complaints, and has the power to reprimand or fine the broadcasters, and require them to issue a correction or apology.