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Q: What family does the common cold belong in?
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Your common watermelon belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae

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The common octopus belongs to the Octopodidae family and the Octopus genus.

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Ladybird is a European common name. The common name in the US is lady beetle. They belong to the family Coccinellidae.

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Organisms belonging to the same family share the same order, class, phylum, and kingdom. For example, if two organisms are in the same family Felidae (cats), then they would also belong to the order Carnivora, class Mammalia, phylum Chordata, and kingdom Animalia.

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Nutria belong to th family Myocastoridae. Muskrats belong to the family Cricetidae. So they do not belong to the same family.

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The both belong the the carp family so yes. Both are cold water fish.

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Spiders belong to Archinds family