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Colon cancer.

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Q: What excretory cancer do smokers have twice the risk of developing?
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Yes, tobacco products are a well-established and major cause of various forms of cancer. Smoking and the use of other tobacco products are associated with an increased risk of developing several types of cancer, including: Lung Cancer: Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. About 85% of lung cancer cases in the United States are attributed to smoking. Oral Cancers: Tobacco use, including smoking and smokeless tobacco (such as chewing tobacco and snuff), increases the risk of cancers in the mouth, including cancers of the lips, tongue, gums, and the lining of the cheeks. Throat and Esophageal Cancer: Smoking and tobacco use are linked to an increased risk of cancers in the throat (pharyngeal cancer) and the esophagus (esophageal cancer). Pancreatic Cancer: Smokers have a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer compared to non-smokers. Bladder Cancer: Smoking is a significant risk factor for bladder cancer, and smokers are about twice as likely to develop bladder cancer as non-smokers. Kidney Cancer: There is a link between smoking and an increased risk of kidney cancer, particularly in long-term smokers. Cervical Cancer: Female smokers have a higher risk of developing cervical cancer. Smoking may also make treatment less effective. Stomach Cancer: Smoking is associated with an increased risk of stomach (gastric) cancer. Liver Cancer: There is evidence that smoking may increase the risk of liver cancer, especially in individuals with pre-existing liver conditions. Colorectal Cancer: While the association between smoking and colorectal cancer is not as strong as with some other cancers, smoking has been linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer. These links between tobacco use and cancer are well-documented and supported by extensive scientific research. Tobacco smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals, including hundreds that are toxic and about 70 that are known to cause cancer. These carcinogenic substances can damage DNA and other genetic material in cells, leading to the development of cancerous growths. Quitting smoking and avoiding all forms of tobacco is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of cancer and improve overall health. Additionally, early detection through regular screenings can improve the chances of successful treatment for many types of cancer. If you are a smoker or use tobacco products, seeking support to quit is a crucial step in reducing your cancer risk and improving your well-being.

What Asian Americans are most at risk in developing liver cancer?

Asian Americans with cirrhosis have four times as great a chance of developing liver cancer as Caucasians with cirrhosis, and African Americans have twice the risk of Caucasians.

What cancers are you most likely to get from smoking?

Tobacco use is a leading cause of various types of cancer. The harmful substances in tobacco smoke can damage DNA and other genetic material in cells, leading to the development of cancerous growths. Here are some of the cancers associated with tobacco use: Lung Cancer: Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. About 85% of lung cancer cases in the United States are attributed to smoking. It includes both non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. Oral Cancers: Tobacco use, including smoking and smokeless tobacco (such as chewing tobacco and snuff), increases the risk of cancers in the mouth, including cancers of the lips, tongue, gums, and the lining of the cheeks. Throat and Esophageal Cancer: Smoking and tobacco use are linked to an increased risk of cancers in the throat (pharyngeal cancer) and the esophagus (esophageal cancer). Pancreatic Cancer: Smokers have a higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer compared to non-smokers. Bladder Cancer: Smoking is a significant risk factor for bladder cancer, and smokers are about twice as likely to develop bladder cancer as non-smokers. Kidney Cancer: There is a link between smoking and an increased risk of kidney cancer, particularly in long-term smokers. Cervical Cancer: Female smokers have a higher risk of developing cervical cancer. Smoking may also make treatment less effective. Stomach Cancer: Smoking is associated with an increased risk of stomach (gastric) cancer. Liver Cancer: There is evidence that smoking may increase the risk of liver cancer, especially in individuals with pre-existing liver conditions. Colorectal Cancer: While the association between smoking and colorectal cancer is not as strong as with some other cancers, smoking has been linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer. It's important to note that the risk of developing these cancers is influenced by various factors, including the duration and intensity of tobacco use, as well as genetic and environmental factors. Quitting smoking and avoiding tobacco use is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of cancer and improve overall health. Additionally, early detection through regular screenings can improve the chances of successful treatment for many types of cancer. If you are a smoker or use tobacco products, seeking support to quit is a crucial step in reducing your cancer risk and improving your well-being.

Which river cuts tropic of cancer twice?

The river that cuts the Tropic of Cancer twice is the Nile River. It flows through Sudan and Egypt, crossing the Tropic of Cancer near the towns of Wadi Halfa in Sudan and Aswan in Egypt.

Are there facts about secondhand?

For example, children living with smokers are twice as likely to have respiratory problems as children living with nonsmokers.

What type of cancer did Kerry Burtnyk have?

Kerry had a rare kind of scalp cancer [melanoma]. He has battled it twice.

Which river cuts tropic of cancer twice in India?

The Mahi River cuts the Tropic of Cancer twice in India. It first crosses it in the state of Gujarat and then again in the state of Rajasthan.

WHAT river cut the tropical of cancer twice orange and some options?


Can you take a one a day vitamin twice a day?

yes but you will die of aids and cancer

Tabacco affects teenagers?

Tobacco smoke is a serious threat to the health of nonsmokers. Young smokers are more likely to report suffering an overall diminished level of health compared with non-smokers. Young smokers suffer from shortness of breath almost three times as often as teens who don't smoke, and produce phlegm more than twice as often as teens who don't smoke. Young smokers tend to be less physically fit than their non-smoking peers, fitness declining with increasing levels of tobacco consumption.

Which river in India crosses the cancer line twice?

i am not know but plz tell me any one

Which river crosses twice the tropic of cancer?

River Mahi in India.