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Q: What epithelial tissue do you find in the urinary bladder?
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Where can someone find the symptoms of a urinary bladder infection?

One can find the symptoms of a urinary bladder infection from sites such as WebMD, Mayo Clinic, and the National Institute of Health. One should also contact his or her doctor for any concerns about urinary bladder infections.

What of the tissue types can expect to find goblet cells?

Goblet cells are typically found in the epithelial lining of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and conjunctiva of the eye. These cells secrete mucus to protect and lubricate these tissues.

Where in the body can you find epithelial tissue that is peculiar when compared to connective tissue?

The epithelial tissue is peculiar compared to connective tissue because it covers body surfaces and lines body cavities, whereas connective tissue mainly provides support and structure to the body. Epithelial tissue is found on outer surfaces like skin and inner linings like the digestive tract, while connective tissue is found throughout the body supporting organs and connecting tissues.

Name three places on your body where you would find epithelial tissues?

You would find epithelial tissues in the skin, lining the digestive tract, and in the lining of the respiratory tract.

What are the five Major types of tissue?

Epithelial tissue: Forms linings and coverings in the body. Connective tissue: Provides support and structure to the body. Muscle tissue: Responsible for movement. Nervous tissue: Enables communication within the body. Adipose tissue: Stores energy in the form of fat.

Where would you find the detrusor muscle?

Detrusor muscle is found in the urinary bladder.

Where can I information on bladder infections and diseases that effect the bladder?

You can find symptoms of Urinary Tract, and Bladder Infections at

can you Describe epithelial tissue?

Epithelial tissue is a type of tissue that covers the surfaces of the body, including skin and organs. It acts as a protective barrier against external factors and helps with absorption, secretion, and sensation. Epithelial cells are closely packed with little extracellular matrix between them and can be simple (one layer) or stratified (multiple layers).

Why does my lower tummy hurt when i pee?

You may have a UTI (urinary tract infection) or possibly (though less likely) a condition called Interstitial Cystitis, in which scar tissue forms in the bladder. See your doctor and find out, because it isn't normal.

What is the most efficient way to treat a urinary track infection?

A urinary tract infection is caused by bacteria in the urethra and the urinary bladder. The most common symptom is pain when urinating. It is imperative that one gets an ACCURATE diagnosis, visit a doctor immediately to find the cause of the infection.

Where would you find Transitional epithelium stretches and recoils would be found in the?

Transitional epithelium stretches and recoils would be found in lines of the ureters, urinary bladder, as well as part of the urethra.

What are facts about urinary?

Facts about urinary: 1. Urinary means having to do with the urinary system. It includes the kidneys, the bladder and the tubes to expel urine which is the end product of chemical that have been broken down that the body no longer needs. 2, Urinary tract is the tubes in the body that go from the kidney to the bladder to expel urine. These tubes also select the amount of chemicals that should be expelled. 3. Medical facts can be determined about the health of a patient by analyzing urine. The amount of Urea, Bun and other end products. 4. Urine can be tested to find out if the person has an unrinary infection. 5. Urinary contents are valuable to the phsyican, expecially after surgery, to detect if the system has shut down or is it working too slowing and needs a boost.