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Amylase breaks down starch into sugar

Lipase breaks down lipids into fatty acid chains and glycerol.

Protease breaks down proteins

And carbohydrase breaks down carbohydrates.

All four work during digestion and people with cf can't secrete these enzymes which is why they have malabsorption and are undernourished

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they convert macromolecules i.e cimplex food substances into micromolecules i.e simple substances!!

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Q: What enzymes work in the stomach?
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What acid provides the correct medium for the enzymes to work in the stomach?

um what does it do?

Does digestive enzymes will still function in the small intestin?

The small intestine is the site of work of some digestive enzymes that are secreted there. It is not an ideal site for the continued work of enzymes from the stomach, as the pH is not hospitable for the work of those gastric enzymes.

Which organ secrets enzymes that are active at a low pH?

The stomach secretes enzymes such as pepsin that are active at a low pH to help break down proteins in the acidic environment of the stomach.

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The anticholingergics decrease both the movements of the stomach and intestine, and also the secretions of stomach acid and digestive enzymes.

Where does digestive enzymes work?

Digestive enzymes work primarily in the gastrointestinal tract, where they help break down large food molecules into smaller components that can be absorbed by the body. These enzymes are produced by various organs, such as the salivary glands, stomach, pancreas, and small intestine, to aid in the digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Why is there little or no digestion of starch in the stomach A. mucus inhibits starch breakdown B Stomach enzymes are dysfunctional C should not be eaten with protein D. salivary enzymes don't work?

The answer is B

Where do digestive enzymes work?

Digestive enzymes work in the digestive system, particularly in the stomach and small intestine. These enzymes help break down the food we eat into smaller molecules that our body can absorb and use for energy and nutrition.

Where in the human body might be beneficial to have enzymes that work well in very acidic environments?

the stomach

What is the acid secreated by the stomach?

Hydochloric acid is produced in the stomach to a) kill pathogens in our food b) gives optimum pH for enzymes to work in

Are enzymes present in the stomach?

Yes, enzymes are present in the stomach. The main enzyme in the stomach is pepsin, which helps break down proteins into smaller peptides for digestion. These enzymes are secreted by the stomach lining to aid in the digestion process.

How does the abomasum in a cow work?

It works the very same way that your stomach does. The abomasum is considered the true stomach because it secretes the same acids and enzymes as a human or monogastric's stomach would.

Where in your body might it be beneficial to have enzymes that work well in very acidic environment?

Enzymes that work well in acidic environments are beneficial in the stomach. The stomach has a very low pH due to the presence of hydrochloric acid, which helps in digestion of food. Enzymes that function well in these conditions can aid in breaking down proteins and other nutrients efficiently.