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What effects does copd have on the gi track

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Q: What effects does copd have on the gi track?
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All medications have potential side effects. For people with severe COPD, they may include steroids in their medication regimen. All steroids have side effects to be aware of.

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The cells that lines the GI Track into the bloodstream

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While COPD primarily affects the lungs, research has shown that it can also have indirect effects on the eyes. People with COPD may be at a higher risk of developing conditions like glaucoma or cataracts due to factors such as hypoxia, systemic inflammation, or medication side effects. Regular eye exams are important for individuals with COPD to monitor and address any potential eye complications.

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Yes, both effects will be negated.

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The large intestine is part of your gi track. that's your digestive system

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Emphysema is one type of COPD. There are others.

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