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"The plague had affected Europes society because once the effected rodents of Asia's cargo ship had had stoped, the affected rodents had spreaded the virus. By doing so the rodents had bit people spreading the diseas killing over 2.5million people in Europe. "

No offense, but it was actually fleas from the rats that bit people and spread the plague.

Also,that doesn't really answer the question at hand. The Bubonic Plague had quite a notable affect on Europe's society and in many ways.

The Pope's authority began to be challenged - or so he thought - by men who walked from town to town beating themselves with cat-of-nine-tails who were called "flagellants". They believed that by doing this they could appease God, atone for the sins of the people and therefore lift the 'curse' of the Plague. This was seen as a way to God that did not require the Church and the Pope sensed a threat. Many flagellants were killed because of this.

Others began to question their faith, but most grew closer to God as a means of self preservation. God and the Church were something stable to hold on to while the world fell apart around them.

Socially and economically, the Plague brought around a huge change for the lower class peasants. Because there were so few people left, those who survived were able to request higher wages and better living conditions. After all, nobility still needed someone to take care of their land. Now they had to bargain for peasants, otherwise peasants would go work for the guy that was going to give them more money for their work.

This lead to a somewhat larger middle class. People were making more money and so could afford to have more babies, etc. etc. I feel this question has not been answered properly... Actually, 38 million people may have died due to the plague in Europe out of their population of 75 million. And you didnt really answer how it affected society either, as you only really answered it economically. Losing that amount of people within three years is horrifying and causes negative impaces in almost everything. But for society it caused people to turn away from one another. They even turned away from their chilren and left them behind because of the fear of catching or spreading the plague. With everyone turning away from their loved ones it divided families and caused a lost in trust. Everyone began to Isolate themselves.

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11y ago

It killed one third of the population (some places in Europe 50%), devastated others from the loss of their families, and made everyone else terrified of it. I mean, absolutely terrified.

It was like, if your kids had the plague, instead of caring for them, many people would run away from them. They had the plague. They would die, there was no hope for them, and if you came near them you would too. It was usually caused by physical contact or from the air. It is said that rats carried flees that were infected, traveled with merchants. Merchants Move from place to place to buy or sell goods. It started in Central Asia and spread to Europe.

This is all true. There are some really interesting facts out there. For example, did you know that people thought that vampires caused the plague? It had great effects on economy as well.

The Bubonic Plague is also know as the Black Death. It is a bacterial infection called Yesenia Pastis.

The Effects:

1. buboes.

2. fever.

3. headaches.

4. fevers.

5. chills

6. nausea

7. vomiting

8. abdominal pain

9. diarrhea, which may be bloody

10.Decreased appetite

11.Tiny broken blood vessels (called petechiae).

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10y ago

The Black Plague is a horrible illness. When it was active it caused a lot of deaths, people avoided each other and killed animals they thought caused it.

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8y ago

black death caused many revolts. which changed feudalism and other rules.

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the Bubonic Plague occurred in Europe about 400 years ago

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Bubonic Plague is caused by the bacterium, Yersinia pestis.

What disease spread quickly and killed many people in Europe?

the bubonic plague, spread by rats bitten bye infected fleas

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