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Vasodilation or enlargement of the blood vessel

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Which would have the greater effect on vascular resistance?

Vasoconstriction would have a greater effect on increasing vascular resistance compared to vasodilation. When blood vessels constrict, their diameter decreases, leading to increased resistance to blood flow. Conversely, vasodilation results in an expansion of blood vessel diameter, reducing resistance.

When happens when the diameter of the blood vessel decreases?

Blood pressure increases if the diameter of the blood vessel decreases.

Would doubling the length of a blood vessel have the greater effect on vascular resistance?

In which of the following would the blood flow be highest? A) a vessel 0.5 cm in diameter and 4 meters long B) a vessel 1.0 cm in diameter and 10 meters long C) a vessel 0.5 cm in diameter and 2 meters long D) a vessel 1.0 cm in diameter and 2 meters long

What is Vasolidation?

increase in the diameter of blood vessel. it increases the blood flow

A decrease in the diameter of a blood vessel is termed?


Which blood vessel tunic is composed of smooth muscle and controls the diameter of the vessel?

Tunica interna

What is the increase of diameter in a blood vessel called?

Vasodilation: Widening of blood vessels resulting from relaxation of the muscular wall of the vessels. What widens is actually the diameter of the interior (the lumen) of the vessel. The opposite of vasoconstriction.

Why would blood vessel radius have a larger effect on the body than vessel length?

Blood vessel radius has a larger effect on the body because changes in radius significantly impact blood flow resistance, which affects blood pressure regulation and delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues. Vessel length, on the other hand, has a smaller direct effect on blood flow resistance and overall cardiovascular function.

What is the affect on blood flow on the radius vessels?

An increase in blood flow can cause vasodilation of the radius vessels, leading to an increase in their diameter. This allows for more blood to flow through the vessels, which can help improve tissue perfusion and oxygen delivery to the surrounding tissues. Conversely, a decrease in blood flow can lead to vasoconstriction of the radius vessels, reducing their diameter and potentially compromising blood flow to the tissues.

Which of the following is NOT an important source of resistance to blood flow?

An important source of resistance to blood flow is not low blood viscosity, as low viscosity would actually decrease resistance. The important sources of resistance to blood flow are vessel diameter, vessel length, and blood viscosity.

What is the effect of increased vessel length on blood flow?

The longer the vessel is the more friction it applies on the passing blood, the less the blood flow is.

What is the approximate diameter of a blood vessel?

In different parts of the body the blood vessels are of different diameters. The normal diameter of the aorta is around 2 cm and this would be the largest vessel in the human body, while the smallest, a capillary would be between 0.5 to 2.28 mm in diameter.