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The baby will be hypotensive.

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Q: What effect does it have on the infant when the mother that take HCTZ is breast feeding?
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Are opiates safe during breast feeding?

No, they are not. In fact, there was a case recently where a mother was being charged with the death of her infant daughter because they found morphine in her breast milk. Even in small amounts, most of these drugs are able to effect the infant because their digestive systems are undeveloped and their body mass is significantly smaller than an adults.

Is it safe to supplement with formula while breast feeding?

Yes you can switch to formula. However, its better to breast feed the baby because breast milk can help in the development in the baby's immune system. Plus the best thing about breast feeding your baby is that it really helps the mother lose a lot of weight after the baby is born. But if you are breast feeding make sure to keep an eye on your baby to decrease a chance of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), the mother's breast may "smother" her baby by accident. while the baby is being fed, if the baby is held too tight to the breast of the mother, she may be covering its nose and the baby may not be able to breath and suffocate.

What is Suckle reflex?

It is the reflex which an infant has whenever the infant turns its head to get milk from the mother's breast.

What reflex helps an infant find their mother's breast?

Rooting Reflex

Does circumcision affect your growth?

It can. For example , an infant that is circumcised can suffer a great shock to the system as a result of this procedure leading to post traumatic stress syndrome, this in turn has been known to seriously interfere with the mother child bond and breast feeding which in turn can have an effect on the infants growth and the effectiveness of their immune system.

When breast feeding is it possible for the mother to get an infection in her breast, and is it dangerous for her nursing baby?

While breast feeding, it is certainly possible for a mother to get an infection in her breast. The breast is usually hot and painful to the touch. It is not dangerous to nurse your baby with an infection, and it is actually recommended that you nurse more frequently.

What is the benefit of using a breast feeding cover?

The main purpose of using a breast feeding cover is to provide a mother with an element of privacy. If they use a breast cover they will be able to feed their baby in public without people seeing their breast.

What are some subtopics on an essay on breast feeding?

Here is a quick partial list of what comes to mind. Nutritional value of Breast milk Immunological benefits of breast feeding Emotional/mental health benefits of breast feeding Long term affects of breast feeding on the child; physical, emotional, Health benefits accrued to a breast feeding mother both short and long term. Adoptive breast feeding also known as induced lactation Cultural perceptions of breast feeding. America vs. worldwide, present time vs. historical. Extended breast feeding Erotic breast feeding/ Adult nursing relationships Cost/benefit analysis of breast feeding vs. formula feeding. Legal status of public breast feeding Issues faced by breast feeding mothers returning to work. These are just a few that come to mind. When you are done with the essay, post it on this site so we can see what you came up with!

Is breastfeeding better then bottle feeding?

Breast feeding cannot be replaced by the bottle feeding. The reason is that you cannot find the purest milk from anywhere other than mother's milk. It is possible that you suck the breast milk and save it in bottle for later feeding.

Can my breast get big breast feeding?

i need big breast One of the "side benefits" of breast feeding is that the nursing mother will see her breasts grow by one or two cup sizes. Short of surgery, breast feeding is the only means available where a woman can have real growth in her breasts. Of course, the down side is that the size increase derived from breast feeding will go away once breast feeding is stopped. So, nurse long and hard and enjoy your new found cleavage!

Are water blisters on an infant an effect of alcohol consumed by a pregnant mother?


What kind of example is a mother breastfeeding her baby?

A mother breast feeding her baby is a fantastic example of loving maternal care.