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this can be considered an eating disorder not otherwise specified. You have anorexic and bulimic tendencies in this case. The only weight you will lose is water weight. there are many side effects to a situation like this including tooth decay, ruptured esophoagus, hair loss and many others. if you or someone you know has these tendencies seek help before its too late.

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Q: What eating disorder do you have if you eat nothing but one medium-sized meal in a day and throw up right after eating and how much weight would you lose doing that?
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If you have an eating disorder can you lose weight?

That would depend on what your eating disorder is, if it is that you are prone to overeating, it is going to be difficult to lose weight, on the other hand, if you have a eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia, you will lose weight.

How do you use eating disorder in a sentence?

Example sentence - We were concerned about his weight and whether or not he had an eating disorder.

Do you usually lose weight if you have an eating disorder?

You can lose or gain weight. An eating disorder could be you don't eat at all or you eat too much, such as seeking food for comfort.

Is a fear of eating an eating disorder?

Fear of eating and gaining weight is a common sign / symptom of an eating disroder.

What is the eating disorder where you feel you have to lose weight?

Anorexia Nervosa

What can an eating disorder lead to?

An eating disorder can lead to many severe health problems. With anorexia you may loose weight but not in a good or healthy way.

If you notice that your friend has gained a lot of weight seems obsessed with food and wants to lose weight but doesn't seem to take any action what eating disorder might your friend have?

obsessive compulsive over eating Binge-eating disorder

What are the symptoms of the eating disorder EDNOS?

The eating disorder known as EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) is usually diagnosed to someone that is struggling from eating disorder behaviors but does not have the symptoms of bulimia or anorexia. Some symptoms of EDNOS include constant concern about food and weight, behaviors such as restricting eating or that compensate for eating (like exercising or purging).

What eating disorder is where a person is obsessed with losing weight?

Anorexia, bulimia, ednos +

How common is binge eating?

Binge eating disorder (BED) is by far the most prevalent eating disorder, affecting nearly 3% of the general public and 30% of obese individuals seeking weight loss.

What happens in an eating disorder unit?

a eating disorder is really unhealthy for the body and once youve gain so much weight its gonna get hard to lose a few pounds

Is starving yourself to lose weight an eating disorder even if its your own decision?

Almost certainly yes. A disorder means a lack of order. Eating regularly and healthily is order, starving by choice is disorder. It's as simple as that.