Amongst people with eating disorders, about 90% are women and 10% are men. About 1% of all women suffer from anorexia, and 3-4% suffer from bulimia. Amongst men with eating disorders, bulimia is more prevalent than anorexia.
I just took the pennfoster test and the correct answer is, D Muscle dysmorphia..hope i helped you all out!!!
It depends on the case weather or not if affects the parents and how much it affects them. In most cases though I'd say the person with the disorder suffers far more.
muscle dysmorphia
Muscle dysmorphia. But men do get other eating disorders as well, it's just that the amount of women is more.
Muscle dysmorphia typically affects men more than women. This is when someone is obssessed with the idea that they are not muscular enough. It is also called "Bigorexia"
Muscle dysmorphia Anorexia athletica
Anorexia Athletica (excessive exercise to gain muscle and physique) Muscle Dystrophy
I think a lot of Binge eating disorders come from emotional eating this can be controled with self discipline but that does not work out for everyone. If you feel you have a Bingn eating order that you cannot control you should seek the help of a Dr or nutrionalist. They can help you with diet control and also get you something to help control the cravings. Binge eating disorder is probably the most common eating disorder. Most people with this problem are either overweight or obese,* but normal-weight people also can have the disorder. About 2 percent of all adults in the United States (as many as 4 million Americans) have binge eating disorder. About 10 to 15 percent of people who are mildly obese and who try to lose weight on their own or through commercial weight-loss programs have binge eating disorder. The disorder is even more common in people who are severely obese. Binge eating disorder is a little more common in women than in men; three women for every two men have it. The disorder affects blacks as often as whites. No one knows how often it affects people in other ethnic groups. People who are obese and have binge eating disorder often became overweight at a younger age than those without the disorder. They might also lose and gain back weight (yo-yo diet) more often. # eat much more quickly than usual during binge episodes # eat until they are uncomfortably full # eat large amounts of food even when they are not really hungry # eat alone because they are embarrassed about the amount of food they eat # feel disgusted, depressed, or guilty after overeating.
Muscle dysmorphia and anorexia athletica, and orthorexia affects men and women roughly equally.
Not in and of itself, but not wanting to eat can often be a sign of an eating disorder or a much more serious health problem.
Canopy Cove Eating Disorder Treatment Center is christian based. Learn more here