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If you have a high WBC it is being caused by an increased production of the white blood cells. This is happening because your body has some kind of infection that it is trying to fight off.

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Q: What does this mean if WBC is high?
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possible itp

What does a high wbc of 11.4 mean?

You probably have a mild infection, somewhere.

What does a high wbc of 15.4 mean?

A white blood cell (WBC) count of 15.4 indicates an elevated number of white blood cells in the body, which can suggest an infection, inflammation, or a possible immune system response. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation and diagnosis to determine the underlying cause.

Does a high white blood cell count mean HIV?

A high white blood cell count can be a sign of many different conditions, including infections like HIV. It is not specific to HIV and needs further testing for a definitive diagnosis. Other symptoms and risk factors should also be considered in conjunction with the white blood cell count for an accurate assessment.

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Increase in WBC means infection or an autoimmune problem

What does a wbc count of 13.0 mean also mcv count is 100 and neutrophils is 9.6?

what does it mean to have a 13.0 wbc

Wbc is at 2700 what does it mean?

it's very high. normal levels (in adults) range from 4,300 - 10,800 (or 4.3 - 10.8)

What can you do if wbc count is 12500?

Normal WBC count is 4 to 11000. This count is high indicating infection So repeat the WBC count after one week

Wbc 12.6 rbc 5.33 mcv 76.8 mch 25.5 rdw 15.2 ab lymp 4234 lab results could indicate what type of condition?

These lab results suggest a condition with an elevated white blood cell count (WBC 12.6) and a lower red blood cell count (RBC 5.33) with a mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) within normal ranges. A higher lymphocyte count (4234) may indicate an infection or inflammation. Further investigation and a clinical assessment are needed to determine the exact condition.