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Q: What does the signal sent from the brain down to the muscles called?
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Voluntary muscles receive the singnal to contract or relax from thr brain people make the decision to make a movement and the signal is sent from the brain down through the?

nerve fibres

How does movement happen in your body?

Your brain (you) sends electrical messages to muscles through the nervous system, which makes certain muscles contract and make you move. Like when you lift your finger your brain sends a signal to a muscle in your arm which pulls the tenant that lifts it up. Also, sperm whale.

Where is the signal to transferred to the association nerve cells?

Signals are transferred between nerve cells via the synapse, which is the small gap between neurons. Neurotransmitters are released from the presynaptic neuron into the synapse, where they bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron, thus transmitting the signal to the association nerve cells.

How many muscles does it take to have a dream?

It takes 200 muscles to take one single step! Thats not really an answer... Really if the brain had any muscles i guess so. So no, because it is your brain shutting down temporarily. But other things like legs and muscles stay awake.

What is the fuction of the spinal cord?

the spinal cord help send signal down or up from the brain to the limbs

What is nerves used for?

They Transfer signals from the various places in your body to your brain to process and then to fire a signal back for them to shock the muscles into movement, without nerve signals you cant walk, which is why if you break your spine (the central nervos system) you are most likely to be dead from the waist down, or from the chin down depending where you break it.

How does your mouth chew?

You put food in your mouth and your brain tells your muscles to move your jaw bone up and down.

What relays information for muscles?

Sensory neurons carry signals from the receptors in our body (e.g. thermal, pressure etc.) to the relay neurons, which are found in our spinal cord. Relay neurons then send signals along the spinal cord to the brain. The brain then processes the information and sends a signal back down the spinal cord, through the relay neurons. Relay neurons then sends signals to motor neurons, which will then affect the muscles' movements.Read more: What_does_neuron_cells_do

What make a muscle work?

Your brain makes your muscles work, and they are connected by nerves from your muscle to your brain. It works in just the same way as a robotic dog; it has motors instead of muscles and a computer for a brain. Then it has wires for nerves which help the robotic dog to walk, lie down and get up again etc.

What structures are the receptors for the sense of smell?

The receptors that actually bind with the molecules that we smell are called Olfactory receptor neurons. They pass their signal through the caribform plate, then down the olfactory nerve, and finally to the olfactory bulb in the brain.

What is the definition of a massuese?

A relaxing manipulating massaging person that carms there muscles down and relax's there brain and takes away frustration and fear

What is the result of amino acids being broken down and used for energy inside the body?

Weakness in muscles and sometimes brain defunction.