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prednisone does not cause a rash- it is usually used to treat them. However high doses of prednisone, for extended periods may cause acne or striae (red stretch marks). These effects are only from oral or injected steroids, topical steroidal applications and inhalers do not usually cause these effects.

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There ar many kinds of lupus skin involvement and they can look very different from one a Click on this link to find pictures

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13y ago

skin lesion is circular and raised. The reddish rash is about 5-10 mm in diameter, with the center often somewhat scaly and lighter in color than the darker outer ring. The surface of these lesions is sometimes described as "warty."

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Q: What does the discoid lupus erythematosus rash look like?
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Is Lupus curable?

Discoid Rash As people age, they become more prone to certain diseases and illnesses. Many people experience lupus, a type of immune system disease that, depending on its severity, can adversely affect a person's life. Because of the number of people who are being diagnosed with lupus, the disease has become a very well discussed topic. Most reports focus on the type of lupus that is most severe, systemic lupus erythematosus, but they don't focus on the other types, such as discoid lupus a.k.a. discoid rash. What is Discoid Rash? Since there are a lot of different types of lupus out there, discoid lupus hasn't always been properly described. But with all of the research, it is now easy to say exactly what discoid lupus is. Discoid rash, a common part of discoid lupus, is a rash which is found on the face. It is typically a scarring rash, so someone who has discoid lupus will have a permanent scar on their face. What Does the Discoid Rash Look Like? Discoid rash is characterized by a red, butterfly like shape on the face. That explains why so many lupus groups use the butterfly as their logo-a discoid rash is literally a red butterfly rash. It doesn't always look this way, though, and some may have a more mild, different shaped pink colored rash on the face. How dark the rash is depends on how much UV exposure the person has had through their life. What Does the Discoid Rash Mean? The discoid rash means that the person who has it has an active form of lupus. When discoid lupus goes into remission, the rash will disappear. Any scars it made will remain, though. What are the Symptoms of Discoid Lupus? Discoid lupus sufferers may have several symptoms, or they may have very few, depending on the stage of the disease. You may have some or all of the following symptoms if you have discoid lupus: A rash on your face, which is either pink in color or red. It may be shaped like a butterfly. Scars on the scalp, caused by the rash. Scars on the face are also common. Severe hair loss. Scalp itchiness and peeling. A rash on some other part of your body. The discoid rash can occur anywhere on the body, so don't be surprised if it's on your neckline or legs or someplace else. Blister-like lesions around the tips of the fingers. What Causes Discoid Lupus? Doctors haven't pinpointed any one particular cause, but they believe that exposure to UV rays and skin Allergies may play a roll in discoid lupus. What Treatments? Discoid lupus isn't typically curable, but it is treatable enough so that it won't significantly hurt a person's quality of life. Treatment ranges from steroids to antimalarial drugs. Some who have had a lot of facial damage may undergo plastic surgery to remedy it, while others may need to do little more than to use makeup to cover any scars they do not want showing. Discoid lupus is not a life-threatening disease, so even if you have it, you should still be very healthy. 1. First of all I got to say that the disease is known as Discoid Lupus Erythematosus or Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus, Discoid rash is only the first sign of Discoid Lupus. 2. Second the butterfly rash is a sign for Systemic Lupus no for Discoid or Cutaneous Lupus. 3. The ages for the appearance of Discoid or Cuatneous Lupus is between 20 to 40 years of age, and the prevalence is 4 to 1 in favor of female than males. 4. It is known that an untreated lesion could leave a scar that is permanent, but it is in any place of the body. 5. The name of Discoid Lupus come from its shape that is like a coin in its onset. 6. It is also known that people with this disease has a photosensitive reaction which exacerbate the condition. 7. It is also known by research that plastic surgery only cover a short frame of time the lesion because when the disease is active would begins the disfigurement again, so it is not a solution, 8. When a person has this disease it can overlap and the most part of the time it do it, other symptoms/diseases like depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, it change your lifestyle for ever. 9. This lesion caused sores and permanent disfigurement there is when became the onset of problems (like I said before) from diseases like depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, isolation, sadness, etc. Discoid Lupus is called the most benign part of the lupus spectro, who ever called it like this doesn't know of what they are talking about. Only a person who have it for years, and have to deal with it day to day knows what is this all about. I have Discoid Lupus Erythematosus for 29 years now, and it was not as easy as anyone could think. I always ask to myself why some lupus association has fewer information about this topic, why they do researches about the systemic part and the cutaneous part still be in ignored.

Is Discoid Lupus curable?

Discoid Rash As people age, they become more prone to certain diseases and illnesses. Many people experience lupus, a type of immune system disease that, depending on its severity, can adversely affect a person's life. Because of the number of people who are being diagnosed with lupus, the disease has become a very well discussed topic. Most reports focus on the type of lupus that is most severe, systemic lupus erythematosus, but they don't focus on the other types, such as discoid lupus a.k.a. discoid rash. What is Discoid Rash? Since there are a lot of different types of lupus out there, discoid lupus hasn't always been properly described. But with all of the research, it is now easy to say exactly what discoid lupus is. Discoid rash, a common part of discoid lupus, is a rash which is found on the face. It is typically a scarring rash, so someone who has discoid lupus will have a permanent scar on their face. What Does the Discoid Rash Look Like? Discoid rash is characterized by a red, butterfly like shape on the face. That explains why so many lupus groups use the butterfly as their logo-a discoid rash is literally a red butterfly rash. It doesn't always look this way, though, and some may have a more mild, different shaped pink colored rash on the face. How dark the rash is depends on how much UV exposure the person has had through their life. What Does the Discoid Rash Mean? The discoid rash means that the person who has it has an active form of lupus. When discoid lupus goes into remission, the rash will disappear. Any scars it made will remain, though. What are the Symptoms of Discoid Lupus? Discoid lupus sufferers may have several symptoms, or they may have very few, depending on the stage of the disease. You may have some or all of the following symptoms if you have discoid lupus: A rash on your face, which is either pink in color or red. It may be shaped like a butterfly. Scars on the scalp, caused by the rash. Scars on the face are also common. Severe hair loss. Scalp itchiness and peeling. A rash on some other part of your body. The discoid rash can occur anywhere on the body, so don't be surprised if it's on your neckline or legs or someplace else. Blister-like lesions around the tips of the fingers. What Causes Discoid Lupus? Doctors haven't pinpointed any one particular cause, but they believe that exposure to UV rays and skin allergies may play a roll in discoid lupus. What Treatments? Discoid lupus isn't typically curable, but it is treatable enough so that it won't significantly hurt a person's quality of life. Treatment ranges from steroids to antimalarial drugs. Some who have had a lot of facial damage may undergo plastic surgery to remedy it, while others may need to do little more than to use makeup to cover any scars they do not want showing. Discoid lupus is not a life-threatening disease, so even if you have it, you should still be very healthy. 1. First of all I got to say that the disease is known as Discoid Lupus Erythematosus or Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus, Discoid rash is only the first sign of Discoid Lupus. 2. Second the butterfly rash is a sign for Systemic Lupus no for Discoid or Cutaneous Lupus. 3. The ages for the appearance of Discoid or Cuatneous Lupus is between 20 to 40 years of age, and the prevalence is 4 to 1 in favor of female than males. 4. It is known that an untreated lesion could leave a scar that is permanent, but it is in any place of the body. 5. The name of Discoid Lupus come from its shape that is like a coin in its onset. 6. It is also known that people with this disease has a photosensitive reaction which exacerbate the condition. 7. It is also known by research that plastic surgery only cover a short frame of time the lesion because when the disease is active would begins the disfigurement again, so it is not a solution, 8. When a person has this disease it can overlap and the most part of the time it do it, other symptoms/diseases like depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, it change your lifestyle for ever. 9. This lesion caused sores and permanent disfigurement there is when became the onset of problems (like I said before) from diseases like depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, isolation, sadness, etc. Discoid Lupus is called the most benign part of the lupus spectro, who ever called it like this doesn't know of what they are talking about. Only a person who have it for years, and have to deal with it day to day knows what is this all about. I have Discoid Lupus Erythematosus for 29 years now, and it was not as easy as anyone could think. I always ask to myself why some lupus association has fewer information about this topic, why they do researches about the systemic part and the cutaneous part still be in ignored.

Is discoid lupus fatal?

YES YOU CAN!!The immune system is designed to attack foreign substances in the body. If you have lupus, something goes wrong with your immune system and it attacks healthy cells and tissues. This can damage many parts of the body such as the:JointsSkinKidneysHeartLungsBlood vesselsBrain.There are many kinds of lupus. The most common type, systemic lupus erythematosus, affects many parts of the body. Other types of lupus are:Discoid lupus erythematosus-causes a skin rash that doesn't go awaySubacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus-causes skin sores on parts of the body exposed to sunDrug-induced lupus-can be caused by medicationsNeonatal lupus-a rare type of lupus that affects newborns.N!!!

Your joints ache and you look like you have a sunburn?


Where can you have lupus rashs?

Lupus rashes can appear anywhere. Some people get a malar or "butterfly" rash across the cheeks and nose. People with discoid lupus get rashes on parts of the body that are exposed to the sun. Hives and welts can occur on any part of the body. Bullous lupus causes large, fluid filled blisters that often occur on the hands and feet but can occur in other places as well. Petechaie and purpura look like a rash but are the result of blood leaking into the tissues as a result of low platelets. Panniculitis is an inflammation of fat pockets causing a deep dimpling effect.

Can lupus cause rosacea?

Lupus and rosacea are not the same thing. A dermatologist would need to do a biopsy to determine if redness and inflammation are caused by lupus or rosacea. It is possible for a lupus rash to look lmuch like rosacea.

What criteria is needed before a diagnosis of lupus can be made?

To make a diagnosis of lupus, doctors typically look for a combination of symptoms, physical examination findings, and laboratory test results. The American College of Rheumatology has established criteria for diagnosing lupus, including the presence of specific symptoms like rash, joint pain, and abnormal blood tests such as antinuclear antibodies. A thorough evaluation by a healthcare professional familiar with lupus is essential to confirm the diagnosis.

Why is lupus so frequently misdiagnosed?

== == Lupus symptoms tend to mimic many other diseases. Many times, the doctors look for many other things before looking for lupus. The phrase "But you don't look sick" is often associated with lupus. You tend to feel awful with this disease but look "normal." This can cause many patients who are misdiagnosed to feel like they are going crazy. Also, there is no single test to diagnose for lupus. A positive ANA in a blood test will sometimes show that one has lupus but it is not definitive.

In Brave New World why does Lenina have lupus if diseases have been eradicated?

she doesnt have lupus... its only because she was working in a room with red light so it seemed as though she did 'all the symptoms of lupus' the embryo workers just look like they have it under that light

Are leukocytes and blood in urine symptoms of lupus?

Yes, these are all signs of Lupus. Looking for these 2 things are some of the things the doctor will look for when trying to diagnose you with Lupus.

What is the Latin name for a owl butterfly?

"Tyto alba" is the Latin name for the Barn Owl.

Why is Seal's face scarred -?

One of the most frequent questions you hear about Grammy-winning singer Seal is, "What happened to Seal's face?"Seal is famous for singing "Kiss From a Rose" and other award-winning songs. But he is also well-known for his visible facial scarring. Lines of scarring are clearly visible on both sides of his face. (To see a close-up image of Seal's face, click on the Related Link.)Speculating About What Happened to Seal's CountenanceIt is easy to speculate about Seal's scars. The raised lines of scarring look like something you might get in a knife fight resulting in scars. The scars might also look like scars from a car accident or similar mishap causing scars.Jet magazine quotes Seal as saying: "People want the scars to be tribal scars. That's just the nature of the media and of people's imaginations." Source: Celebrities Who Have Overcome Obstacles, Jet, June 10, 1996, available at Really Happened to Seal's CountenanceBut Seal's scars are not the result of violence. Jet reported that Seal's facial scars are the result of the disease lupus. At age 23, Seal developed discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), a rare form of the disease causing scars. Source: Celebrities Who Have Overcome Obstacles, Jet, June 10, 1996, available at to The Lupus Book, only ten percent of lupus patients have DLE. Thick, scaly lesions appear on these patients' skin, especially skin that is exposed to sunlight. If untreated, the lesions can turn cancerous. Source: Daniel J. Wallace, The Lupus Book, 4th ed., Oxford University Press, pages 70-71.Lupus is an auto-immune disease that is passed down genetically. It is unknown when Seal's Lupus developed. A number of on-line sources claim that Seal developed lupus as an infant or as a teen (e.g., as of April 5, 2009, Wikipedia's entry for Seal claims the disease presented itself when Seal was a teen, though no sources are cited). I have not found any authoritative source for that claim. As cited previously, Jet magazine claims Seal did not show signs of the disease until age 23. This claim is consistent with public comments Seal has made.Discoid Lupus is a chronic skin condition of sores with inflammation and scarring favoring the face, ears, and scalp and at times on other body areas. The exact cause of this auto-immune disease is unknown.Seal Samuel has a skin ailment called discoid lupus. There is a half moon scar that lies under his eyes due to this ailment. But this scar it seems had begun to form since his childhood days.