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Viruses, by themselves, do not have a nucleus. They may not even be living.

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13y ago
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11y ago

The core of a virus contains either DNA or RNA but never both at the same time

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What is the function of the inner core of a virus?

The inner core of a virus contains the genetic material (DNA or RNA) of the virus. This genetic material is essential for the virus to replicate and infect host cells.

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The nucleic acid core is the central part of a virus particle that contains the genetic material of the virus. It can be either DNA or RNA, and it is essential for the virus to replicate and infect host cells. The nucleic acid core is often protected by a protein coat or envelope.

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The virus for warts and chickenpox's contain DNA.

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a typical virus has a core of DNA or RNA and a protein coat

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HIV is an RNA-virus. It does not contain DNA.

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The nucleic acid core of a virus contains?


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What is the nucleic acid core in a virus called?

the "core" of a virus is the nucleic acid (either DNA or RNA) that makes up the viral genome. this core contains all the genetic information of that virus, and is enclosed within the protein coat known as the capsid.