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The churning action of the stomach wall accomplishes mechanical digestion. Mechanical digestion begins in the mouth and along with chemical digestion, ends in the small intestine.

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Q: What does the churning action of the stomach wall accomplish?
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Structural adaptation in physical digestion of the stomach?

The stomach has a thick muscular wall that contracts to physically break down food through churning motions. It also contains rugae, folds of tissue that expand to increase the stomach's capacity. Additionally, the stomach lining contains gastric glands that secrete enzymes and acid to aid in the breakdown of food.

What is a primary mixing or churning organ?

The primary mixing or churning organ in the human body is the stomach. It is responsible for breaking down food into smaller particles and mixing it with gastric juices to form a semi-solid mixture called chyme. The muscle contractions in the stomach wall help to churn and mix the food, aiding in digestion.

How do the wall of the stomach different from the wall of the esophagus?

The wall of the stomach is thicker and has an additional layer of smooth muscle called the muscularis externa, which allows for mixing and churning of food. The stomach also secretes digestive enzymes and acid to help break down food. In contrast, the wall of the esophagus is thinner and lacks the specialized functions of the stomach, mainly designed for transportation of food to the stomach.

What is the third layer of smooth muscle found in the stomach wall that allows mixing and mechanical breakdown?

The third layer of smooth muscle found in the stomach wall is called the oblique layer. It runs diagonally and allows for churning and mixing of food, aiding in mechanical breakdown and digestion.

What is it called when you have a hole in the stomach wall?

A hole in the stomach wall is known commonly as an ulcer. Ulcers are caused by an overabundance of hydrochloric acid within the stomach. The acid weakens the stomach lining and penetrates the stomach wall, causing ulcers.

What body part stores and breaks down food?

It is most likely the the stomach since the intestines do not break down food. The stomach is filled with extremely strong acids that are powerful enough to dissolve razor blades whole. The food drops into our stomachs and immediately breaks down. Then the stomach passes what is left through the Pyloric Sphincter (the wall passage between stomach and small intestine). The small intestine then absorbs all the nutrients through the villi (small hairlike cells on the inner intestine walls). Once the food reaches the large intestine, bile is added to the food, turning it into our stool, while absorbing liquids and salts from the product. Then the food leaves our bodies, only so we can obtain more.

What is the mixing of substance in the alimentary canal?

Smooth Muscle in the wall of the alimentary canal can contract to produce two types of movements 1. Churning: Churning Mixes substances in the canal 2. Peristalsis: Propels substances through the body.

What happens to the food as it goes to the stomach?

The food is broken down into smaller pieces by mechanically 'churning' it. This is done by the muscular wall of the stomach. As it contracts and relaxes, it causes the food particles to break down. This increases thesurface area of food so that more surface is available to the enzymes for digestion and thus, the rate of digestion is faster. This is the physical digestion that happens in the stomach. The stomach also releases gastric juices into the food. These are also thoroughly mixed with the food particles by the churning movement of the stomach wall. These gastric juices contain pepsinogen which is activated by the hydrochloric acid present in the stomach to pepsin. Pepsin is a protease and helps in breaking down proteins into amino acids. Thus, stomach is also the site for protein digestion. This is how stomach brings about chemical digestion./ After the food is thoroughly mixed and churned, the result is a liquidmixture called 'chyme'. Chyme is then released into the small intestine in short bursts. It may be temporarily stored in the stomach as the amount that has passed on to the small intestines is being digested. The stomach also absorbs some food stuffs through its walls and into thee blood stream like alcohol, aspirin and glucose.

What makes up the wall of the stomach?

The wall of the stomach is structurally similar to other parts of the digestive tube, with the exception that the stomach has an extra oblique layer of smooth muscle inside the circular layer, which aids in performance of complex grinding motions.

What happens if stomach did not have a lining of mucus?

the gastric juices in your stomach eat the stomach wall and you will die

What protect the stomach wall from acid?

The stomach wall is protected by mucus. The mucus regenerates about every 2 weeks or so.

Why does the stomach have a thick muscle wall?

The function of the stomach wall is to protect your stomach from eating itself. It has a coating of mucus on the inside that renews itself every three days and stops the hydrochloric acid in your stomach from dissolving itself.