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A classic clinical presentation of strept throat in the pediatric population is: fever, malaise, anorexia, headache, nausea, and a throat that is extremely erythematous (red) with characteristic petechiae (red dots) on the soft palate. Nevertheless, it is always an excellent idea to confirm one's clinical exam with a throat culture.

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16y ago
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13y ago

When your throat is sore usaully it looks like and irretated sometimes when you have a case of strep throat blisters form on the throat that can be many colors but most of the time are white. If child's throat is red before jumping to conclutions and taking him or her to the doctor make sure that they are getting plenty of water because sometimes dehidration can result in a sore throat. I have had strep throat many times and if you think that your child has strep throat then be sure to go to the doctor immediatly becasue if not treated in time strep throat can develope into scarlet fever and no one wants that!missy177

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10y ago

Throat cancers can happen anywhere in the mouth, throat, and voice box. It's appearance is such that it clearly looks like something is wrong. It looks very red, irritated, discolored, and diseased.

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12y ago

take a flashlight and look down the person who may have strept throat and see what their throat looks like and if it is red and puffy then it probably is a good chance.... it is almost the same with tonsils but different too!

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13y ago

If you think you're getting Strep Throat, avoid sharing drinks and contact your family Doctor. Strep is very painful and often times will feel like glass in your throat. Other symptoms include swelling and having a very hard time swallowing.

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15y ago

white stuff in the back of your throat and on your tonsils

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14y ago

White spot or yellow spots on tonsils or rounds and bumpy.

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12y ago

High fever causes at least 24 hours of intense sickness and can cause hallucinations as in any intense flu.

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Q: What does strep throat look like without tonsils?
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What is a condition which feels like tonsillitis but without the inflamed tonsils?

Strep throat

How does getting your tonsils taken out help you not to have sore throat troubles like strep throat?

Your tonsils build up bacteria causing an irritation in the back of the throat so when you get your tonsils removed you don't have to worry about it.

Can a symptom of strep throat be a rash on your baby's bottom?

Sounds like a yeast infection with the rash. Does the baby have white spots on his tonsils? That is strep throat. If he has strep take him to the doctor.

What body part does Strep Throat affect and how?

Strep throat affects the throat and tonsils. It is caused by the Streptococcus bacteria, which can inflame the lining of the throat and tonsils, leading to symptoms like sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and fever. Prompt diagnosis and treatment with antibiotics are important to prevent complications.

Is it possible to get strep throat without tonsils?

Yes you can. My tonsils were removes when I was 5. I'm 17 now and got strep throat for the first time since, I thought it was impossible cause ny brother used to be a strep carrier until his tonsils were removed and I never got it. But I work at an aftercare and I got it. It's like hell.

How do you know if you have strep throght?

If you have strep throat, you will not be able to eat anything without your throat hurting like hell.

What was strep throat during?

Gosh, the question doesn't make sense, but strep throat is an infection of the throat and associated glands, like the tonsils, that is caused by one of the streptococcus bacteria. It can get really bad and painful quickly, and should be treated with antibiotics by a physician.

Do tonsils usually swell having pain like strep throat when swallowing after wisdom teeth removed?

I am not sure and am having the same problem

Why does it feel like there is a lump in your throat when you have a cough too?

Well, you may have strep throat, or even swollen tonsils or adenoids. The only way to know is to let your doctor take a peek and see.

How did Strep Throat start?

It start like you have a cold and you like lose your voice and it become a strep throat.

How does a strep carrier get rid of strep?

If you have strep 6 times then you get your tonsils taken out but if this is like you 3rd time then you of course go to the doctor and get medicine. that is the basic answer

What causes inflamed tonsils aside from tonsillitis?

Inflamed tonsils can also be caused by viral infections like mononucleosis, bacterial infections like strep throat, or allergic reactions. Other less common causes can include smoking, environmental irritants, or reflux of stomach acid irritating the throat.