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Spongy bone has holes in it that make it strong, but compact bone doesn't have any holes in it.

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Q: What does spongy bone lack that compact bone has?
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Is the compact bone spongy?

Actually the compact bone isn't spongy at all, the compact bone is a tough layer making the bone neither too rigid or too brittle. So the compact bone is not spongy. Spongy bone, like its name is spongy.

Do flat bones consist of compact bone sandwiched between spongy bone?

The compact bone surrounds the spongy bone and provides structure for the body.

What are the locations of spongy bone and compact bone kept?

The compact bone is the outer part of the bone, and on the inside is the spongy bone. The spongy bone has small spaces which are filled with red bone marrow and some fat.

Is compact bone replaced faster then spongy bone?

No, spongy bone regenerates faster.

Does spongy bone or compact bone provide most of the strength to the bone?

Compact bone.

Can you see spongy and compact bone with naked eye?

When examining a bone outside the body, compact and spongy bone are visible to the naked eye.

Do all compact bones contain spongy and compact bone tissue?

Yes, all compact bones contain both spongy and compact bone tissue. The outer layer of compact bone provides strength and protection, while the inner spongy bone contains bone marrow and provides flexibility.

Disadvantage of compact bone?

One disadvantage of compact bone is that it is dense and heavy, making it more prone to fractures under excessive force or impact. Additionally, its lack of porosity may limit its ability to store essential minerals and blood cells compared to spongy bone.

Are bones lightweight because of spongy or compact bone?


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why does spongy bone lack osteonic canal

Parts of the bone?

compact bone,spongy bone,bonemarrow

Does Spongy or compact bone tissue weigh less?

The spongy bone tissue weighs less.