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your eyes will begin to turn yellow and your nose will burn.... if someone inhales the smoke through their nose it can damage their nose tissues

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No direct effect

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Q: What does smoking do to the nose?
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Can smoking give you nose cancer?

you can smoke a cigarette,and people take smoke out of their nose instead of their mouth

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Why is it important to avoid touching your face hair nose mouth chewing gun or smoking when working with food?

It is very unhygienic touching your face, hair, nose, mouth, chewing gum, or smoking when working with food.

What are some side effects of smoking marijuana through your nose?

lose sense of smell

How does methamphetamine get into the body?

Snorting it/inhaling through the nose, smoking it, eating it, or injecting it with a needle.

What is Sinus cavity irritation?

In smoking it means that the lining in your nose is irritated by the smoke in the cigarettes or tobacco.

Why is nose cancer less popular than lung cancer?

Well because lung cancer is caused by smoking and over 85% of the population smokes and nose cancer is not.

Do doctors put marijuana in your nose for nosebleeds?

No. To get the coagulating effect of the THC the plant is administered by way of smoking.

Why is picking your nose more socially unacceptable than smoking?

Picking your nose is thought to be more socially unacceptable than smoking because when one digs in their nose, they are essentially doing so to pull something out. The object in which is taken from the nose, is thought to be disgusting and full of germs. Smoking, though equally as disgusting to most, is more socially acceptable because it has been thought that it does not negatively impact people surrounding the smoker. Although through recent studies, that is no longer the same view as many restaurants and public places have banned smoking in public areas due to the negative impact to other peoples' health through second hand smoke.

What caused babe ruths death?

Pneumonia, caused directly by nose, mouth, and throat cancer, due to heavy smoking.

How can lasers be used to stop smoking?

Lasers are a growing method to help individuals stop smoking. During a session a laser targets specific points such as hands, ears and the individual's nose. The theory is that the laser stimulates endorphin creation which reduce when one stops smoking.

Is 2nd hand smoke bad if you breathe through your nose?

YES, second hand smoke is dangerous breathed in regardless of nose or mouth. In fact second hand smoke has been proven to be just as harmful as if you were smoking yourself.