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Q: What does slightly eccentric to the left disc bulge mean?
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What is an annular disc bulge which is eccentric to the left and there is a mild bilateral lateral recess narrowing left greater than right indicative of?

A bulging disk on the left side.

What is a left eccentric disc bulge at c6 c7?

With degenerative disc disease, disc bulging occurs with flattening out of the disc and subsequent spreading out. Typical bulging presents symmetrical, but sometimes a protrusion will develop that is eccentric, ie., asymmetrical bulging. An eccentric protrusion will be to one side, in this case left, sometimes causing neurologic symptoms on that side, sometimes not. A protrusion is less than 3 mm, whereas a herniation exceeds 3 mm.

What is a minimal bulging anulus eccentric to the left side?

A bulging anulus is not-quite-round ring. "Minimally bulging" means that the ring is nearly round. If that slight bulge is on the left side, then the ring is slightly bulging to the left of center.

What can be done for mild diffuse disc bulge and for chronic back pain down the right side?

I have lower chronic back pain, I have diffuse disc bulge it hurt's to walk and when I left my right leg. what can be done for this?and what are the syptmons

Disc bulge at c5-c6 causing indentation over thecal sac and mild left neural compromise is it dangerous situation please answer?

Disc Bulge at c5 c6 causing indentation over thecal sac and mild left nueral compromise is it dangerous situation

Can you see l4-l5 asymmetic disc bulge of ct scan?

With degenerative disc disease, disc bulging occurs with flattening out of the disc and subsequent spreading out. Typical bulging presents symmetrical, but sometimes a protrusion will develop that is eccentric, ie., asymmetrical bulging. An eccentric protrusion will be to one side, in this case left, sometimes causing neurologic symptoms on that side, sometimes not. A protrusion is less than 3 mm, whereas a herniation exceeds 3 mm.

What does “ broad-based disc bulging slightly asymmetric to the left with associated posterior lateral spurs?

This is called a broad based disc herniation

What does it mean when it says mild diffuse disc bulge effacing the thecal sac with minimal narrowing of the neuro foramina in an MRI?

In order to best help translate, lets break this sentence down into smaller parts to explain it:A "diffuse disc bulge" refers to one of the discs in your spine. The discs separate the bones of your spine, called vertebrae, and provide cushion support as well as motion to the vertebrae. A diffuse bulge of one of these discs refers to the disc bulging out from all sides (right, left, front, and back), except not the top or bottom."effacing the thecal sac" means that that diffuse disc bulge is contacting the thecal sac such that being able to see that sac is obscured by the diffuse disc bulge. Thecal sac refers to the the "sac" which is a membrane (called dura mater) that contains the spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid. All this statement implies is that the disc bulge is contacting the membrane that contains the spinal cord."minimal narrowing of the neuro foramina" - probably you meant neural foramina. At each level in the spine where there is a disc, right and left nerve roots come out to innervate tissues in the body. The holes that they come out are called neural foramina. This statement means that the size, or diameter, of those holes has been minimally narrowed by this diffuse disc bulge.

What does paramedian disc protrusion mean?

A parmedian disc protrusion is a type of hernia or bulge in disk of oneâ??s spine. This can occur on either the right or left side. In this type of hernia the width of the base is wider than the apex.

Your husband bent over while twisted a now he has pain and a bulge on his left side under is ribs what is it?

it is a herniated disc or "slipped disc" as many call it. In addition: it is not the entire vertebral disc that has shifted; it is only the nucleus pulposus (NP) which has pushed out from in between the tough fibers that make up the outer portion of the disc, This portion is called the annulus fibrosis

What causes facet effusions at L4-L5?

Instability of that particular motion segment. More than likely there is a disc bulge causing radicular pain down the left back into the buttocks and eventually down the leg.

What is posterior and left foraminal bulge at l3-4 level?

L3 and L4 responds to lumbar vertebrae. in between that two vertebra there will be cushion like disc to promote movement and stability of vertebra. due to repeated work in awkward or unaccostomed body position, or trauma the disc will bulge out from its position. it is more common in posterolaterally where the capsule ie., covering the disc is weak. so bulges out and compresses the spinal nerves emerging between the vertebra. results in numbness weakness of leg thigh muscles and pain due to inflammation around nerve coverings