Sebaceous (oil) glands
No, sebaceous glands have ducts.
Sebaceous cysts are not precancerous.
A sebaceous secretion in the folds of the skin, esp. under a man's foreskin.
I had sebaceous glands on my arms
You must mean the caruncles, which contain both sebaceous and sweat glands. They produce a whitish, oily secretion that is referred to as "Sandman's Eyesand", the 'sleep' you wipe from your eyes in the morning.
No, sebaceous glands have ducts. They are exocrine glands.
The sebaceous glands are responsible for producing oil, known as sebum, which helps to keep the skin and hair moisturized and protected. These glands are found throughout the body, with a higher concentration on the face and scalp.
A pimple, a boil (furuncle), or a sebaceous cyst.
A sebaceous cyst can look almost identical to a pimple. Most sebaceous cysts however are larger and harder than regular pimples are.
The sweat and sebaceous glands are in the dermis, not in the stratum corneum.
No, the sebaceous gland produces sebum, or skin oil.