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Sebacious means fatty or relating to fat or sebum. It can also mean the secretion of fat or sebum.

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What gland produces oil?

The sebaceous glands are responsible for producing oil, known as sebum, which helps to keep the skin and hair moisturized and protected. These glands are found throughout the body, with a higher concentration on the face and scalp.

Secrets a lubricant for hair and skin?

Sebaceous (oil) glands

What does smegmated mean?

A sebaceous secretion in the folds of the skin, esp. under a man's foreskin.

Are the Sebaceous glands ductless?

No, sebaceous glands have ducts.

Is sebaceous cyst precancerous?

Sebaceous cysts are not precancerous.

Can you use the word sebaceous in a sentence?

I had sebaceous glands on my arms

How do sebaceous glands protect the eye?

You must mean the caruncles, which contain both sebaceous and sweat glands. They produce a whitish, oily secretion that is referred to as "Sandman's Eyesand", the 'sleep' you wipe from your eyes in the morning.

Are sebaceous glands ductless?

No, sebaceous glands have ducts. They are exocrine glands.

What is the cure for sebaceous glands?

There is no permanent cure for overactive sebaceous glands. However, treatments such as topical retinoids, oral medications, laser therapy, and proper skincare can help manage symptoms and reduce oil production. It is essential to consult a dermatologist for personalized treatment recommendations.

The eyelashes are associated with modified sebaceous glands are called?

The eyelashes are associated with modified sebaceous glands called Meibomian glands. These glands secrete an oily substance which helps to keep the eyelashes lubricated and prevents tears from evaporating too quickly.

What is the result of a bacterially-infected sebaceous gland?

A pimple, a boil (furuncle), or a sebaceous cyst.

What do sebaceous cysts look like?

A sebaceous cyst can look almost identical to a pimple. Most sebaceous cysts however are larger and harder than regular pimples are.