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It means you may or may not be immune to rubella or German measles.The value is not high enough to say yes and not low enough to say no.The test can be repeated.

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Q: What does rubella equivocal mean?
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What does positive in rubella igM mean?

That you have an acute Rubella infection and have developed IgM antibodies.

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What does rubella igg reactive mean?

Rubella IgG is a specific antibody which our body's defenses has produced in response to a prior exposure, in this case, the virus Rubella.

Rubella IgG was 19.4 what does it mean?

Rubella IgG of 19.4 means that you're immune to rubella, likely due to immunization when you were young. You don't have to worry about getting German measles.

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Can you give rubella vaccine to positive rubella patient?

Can you give rubella vaccine to positive rubella patient?

What is equivocal a noun or verb?

Neither. Equivocal is an adjective. Its definition is: "allowing the possibility of several different meanings, as a word or phrase" An example sentence would be "Mitt Romney gave an equivocal answer to a direct question during the debate."

Is rubella red?

Rubella is a disease caused by the rubella virus. The name "rubella" is derived from the Latin, meaning "little red."

Does rubella IgG positive have any effect on newborn?

Yes, the rubella test (igg) should be positive during pregnancy, which means that you have taken the vaccination prior. Negative result (igg) doesn't mean that you are infected with rubella, however this means that you doesn't have Rubella antibodies in your blood stream. If your result comes out negative, then you should perform another test for Rubella igm, positive results will confirm your infection with this virus.

Is an equivocal answer the same as a vague response?

No. An equivocal answer is one that could be interpreted in multiple ways, while a vague response lacks clarity or specific detail.

What is rubella vaccine used for?

MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, and rubella) is the vaccine used to prevent rubella.