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The female pelvis is shaped like a bowl with the bottom cut off. The top of the pelvis is called the brim and the bottom is called the outlet. Towards the end of pregnancy the part of the baby which is born first (hopefully the head) settles into the pelvis. This is called engagement Relation to brim describes how much of the head can be felt above the pelvis. It is usually measured in fifths. 5/5 means that no part of the head is in the pelvis. 4/5 means that the top part of the head is in the pelvis and so on. By the time the head is 0/5 the baby is almost born at the end of labor. If at the end of a first pregnancy the midwife or ob/gyn can still feel 5/5 of the baby's head it may mean that the baby is too large to be born naturally. With second or later babies the head may not go into the pelvis until the mother goes into labor.

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Operations Administrator

What does it mean when it says your baby is fixed in relation to brim?

this means your baby is in birth position (head down) do not panic this doesnt mean your in labour,the baby can still move although it is uncommon!

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The original saying was "Fill it to the rim with Brim" and it was from a coffee commercial for Brim coffee. It meant "fill your coffee cup to the rim with Brim coffee".

What does brim mean when written in pregnancy notes?

Brim means that the baby is head down but just above the pelvis an not engaged. Until you go into labour.

What does brimful mean?

Brim typically means the edge of something, and it will usually refer to a hat. Brim also is used as a verb, when something, such as a cup, is very full.

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4 Justin Combs, Niko Brim, Madison Brim and D Taylor Brim

What does it mean when you are 3 out of 5 in relation to brim?

A woman's pelvis is shaped like a bowl with the bottom cut off where the top of the pelvis is known as the brim and the bottom is the outlet. At the end of the pregnancy the head of the baby (or w/e part born first) is settled into the bottom of the pelvis. Relation to the brim describes how much of the head can be felt above the pelvis. This is measured in fifths (1 out of 5, 2 out of 5, 3 out of 5 etc). When it's 5 out of 5 it means that no part of the head is in the pelvis and 4 out of 5 means that the top of the head is in the pelvis etc. So your baby's head is halfway. When it's 0 out of 5 the baby is almost born.

Can the inside of container mean brim?

Yes, the inside of a container refers to the inner space or volume of the container where items can be stored. The term "brim" typically refers to the top edge or rim of a container where it meets the outer air, rather than the interior space.

What is the meaning of brimmed?

of Brim, Having a brim; -- usually in composition., Full to, or level with, the brim.

What is the birth name of Katherine Brim?

Katherine Brim's birth name is Katherine Louise Brim.

What does fill you to the brim mean?

It means to fill you up, to make you be overly full or getting there.

What is the edges of a hat called?

Known as the brim