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Q: What does permanently magnetised mean?
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What wouold a permanently magnetic substance called?

No magnet is permanently magnetised. If it is dropped from a great height enough times or heated, it loses it's magentism.

Is magnesium magnectic?

Magnesium is described as "paramagnetic" meaning it is weakly attracted by a magnet and cannot be permanently magnetised.

What can be magnetised?

Materials that contain magnetic domains, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt, can be magnetized. Other materials like steel, certain alloys, and magnetic ceramic materials can also be magnetized. Materials that are not magnetic in their natural state, such as paper or plastic, can become weakly magnetized when exposed to a strong magnetic field.

What is the difference between a weakly magnetised nail and a strongly magnetised nails?

A Weakly magnetised nail will pick up less paper clips then a highly magnetised nail, Hope That Helps:)

What is the difference between a weakly magnetised nail and a strongly magnetised nail?

A weakly magnetised nail has minimal magnetic properties and will only attract a few magnetic materials, while a strongly magnetised nail has significant magnetic properties and can attract a wide range of magnetic materials with greater force. The strongly magnetised nail will hold its magnetism for a longer period compared to the weakly magnetised nail.

Can 'permanently' be a synonym for 'constantly'?

No, because permanently is "always" and constantly is "again and again" but constantly does not mean permanently

How would you determine if a metal is magnetised?

You can put a magnet near the metal. If it gets attracted or repelled, then it is magnetised

Can wood be magnetised partially?


What materials are nonmagnetized?

Diamagnetic substances are not magnetised. Example: water is a diamagnetic substance, so it cannot be magnetised by any means.

What is the diffrent between a magnetised steel nail and an unmagnetised steel nail?

what is the diffrence between a magnetised nail and a unmagnetised nail

What is a closed account permanently mean?

A account that has closed permanently is when a account has been closed forever basically.

What does it mean by steel is magnetically hard?

A magnetically hard substance is one which can be permanently magnetised using a strong magnetic force. Steel is one such substance. (A magnetically soft substance can only be magnetised temporarily.)