The patella is also known as the knee cap, right above the tibia and fibula, and right below the femur.
The patellar tendon is below the patella. It connects the patella to the tibia and is essential for proper knee function.
The scientific name for the knee joint is the "genu" joint.
You are most likely to hit your patella, or kneecap, when you bang your knee against a hard surface. The patella acts as a protective bony shield for the front of the knee joint.
Yes, enzyme activity typically increases with an increase in temperature due to more frequent collisions between the enzyme and substrate molecules. However, extremely high temperatures can denature enzymes and inhibit their activity.
By proper application of fertilizers. Soil tests provides the proper application of the right amount of fertilizers which farmers can follow. This will prevent excess fertilizers which seeps to the surrounding water resources conducive to the increase of algal blooms.
The patella is what is commonly known as your knee cap. It's located in front of the leg joint between the femur (upper leg bone) and the tibia and fibula (lower leg bones), to protect the joint from being easily damaged.
Type your answer here... Usually, the posterior medial articular surface is smaller than the lateral one. For those not taking A&P when you set the flatter side down on the table with the point away from you, the side it falls to is usually to the outside.
Probably 822.1, open fracture to the patella, or 827.1, multiple open fractures to the lower limbs.
It's not unusual to have kneecaps of different sizes. There is no special condition that can be caused by having one bigger than the other.
they increase left to right