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Look at these two Google results:

Herbal medication -

by W Abebe - ‎2002 - ‎Cited by 333 - ‎Related articles

morphone, oxymorphone, methadone, fentanyl, ..... and the herb is available as tincture, extract and in ..... Interactions with chamomile (Matricaria recutita,.

Category list : Drug storage | Pharmaceutical Journal

Session 214 Presentation Slides - Nurse Practitioners of Oregon

Oct 2, 2014 - Liquid extract, or tincture, is a method of preserving ... tincture or liquid extract and often helpful when .... anti-inflammatory-matricaria, glycyrrhiza, .... indinavir, irinotecan, ivabradine, mephenytoin, methadone, midazolam,.

These are PDF files. When you open each, type Control+F to "Find" and copy in the word Matricaria in the small find box (right upper corner of the PDF).

You need to read up on herbal preparations. Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) has properties that act on the nervous system. The pharmacist likely thought you were a methodone user (and e.g. read that as the derogatory "drug abuser") who was seeking to potentate (make greater) the methadone effects to get an altered state of consciousness (e,g. "get high").

I do not know the dispensing laws pharmacists must uphold by law-- but it seems this was a bit of an over-reaction. The pharmacist should also be willing to explain why a product's ingredients could interfere with your other medications.

So, as far as your grandkids, play it safe and ask another relative to buy those products as long as you are on methadone treatment.

For yourself, talk to your methadone prescriber and ask them to give you a list of herbal preparations you should avoid while on methadone. That way, you won't face embarrassment when a well-intended pharmacist or pharmacy tech refuses to sell a product to you, brings up your methadone script in front of strangers in public, and then, not explain the reasons in clear language (not medical-ese). Also tell your prescriber about this incident and ask what other kinds of pharmacy products could raise eyebrows or get you in trouble if you tried to buy it-- because you certainly don't want trouble in your life. ALL physicians should be willing to educate methadone patients about herbal preparations, since herbs and even some foods DO interact with a variety of meds (for example: blood-thinners, like Coumadin).

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