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Having a low blood count means your blood is low on one of it's cell types. The symptoms are different depending on which, for example a low red cell count makes you anaemic and a low white cell count makes your immunity system drop.

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Agnes Bogan

Lvl 13
2y ago
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10y ago

A low blood count refers to the number of blood cells that are counted after a blood test. Low blood count can affect your health by causing fatigue, and other maladies.

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This is called Thrombocytopenia and means that the body is low on platelets, a type of blood cell that helps your blood to clot when damage occurs to blood vessels. Depending on how low the platelet count is, individuals with Thrombocytopenia may bruise easily and experience nosebleeds or bleeding gums.

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A decrease in white blood cells in the blood is known as leukopenia. Leukemia, chemotherapy and many medications can cause leukopenia.What does low white blood cell count mean

Your son has a low white blood cell count it was 3.4 what does this mean?

Some infections can occasionally cause a low white cell count. Repeat the count regularly. If it returns to normal no need to worry. If the child also has anemia or low platelet count other investigations will be needed.

Low white blood count?

are you asking what happens when your white blood count gets low, your white blood cells are what fights off illnesses like the flu.