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Q: What does lactose and tolerant mean?
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Are cats lactose and tolerant?

I think you mean "lactose intolerant". Yes, some cats are lactose intolerant. However in rare cases, they are not.

What is lacked toss n tolerant?

I think you mean "lactose intolerant."Lactose is milk sugar. All small babies can digest lactose, but many people lose their ability to digest it as they get older--that is why they get sick from drinking milk. People who can still digest milk sugar as adults are "lactose tolerant"; people who cannot digest it are "lactose intolerant."

What do you call it when you cant have milk and cheese?

lactose and tolerant

Why do dogs get sick from dairy?

it can get spoiled or they are lactose and tolerant

How many New Zealanders are affected by lactose intolerance?

I am from New Zealand, and I think that not that much New Zealnders are lactose and tolerant....

How common is being lactose in tolerant?

It is coming to be more common, I was once but I got healed from it.

What if your friend is a vegan vegetarian and lactose and tolerant what types of food can you offer to her?

Salads or soy milk

Can kids eat cheese?

All kids who aren't lactose and tolerant should be able to have cheese.

Why am i farting nonstop?

There are many reasons; you can be eating leafy foods that cause gas, you could be lactose and tolerant and eating dairy that is not lactose free, or you can have bowel movement problems.

What kind of milk do you have to drink if you are lactose and tolerant?

I'm lactose intolerant and you can drink lactose free milk, or soy milk like "Silk", also goats milk is good but i hear it doesnt taste that great, just check your local grocery store and they will have a section of lactose free milk products

Can the Japanese drink milk or are they lactose intolerant?

no it doesnt matter what race your from you can be lactose intolerant if you are japaneese but just because you are from japan that does not mean you have to be lactose intolerant

What does it mean to be tolerant of something or someone?

To be tolerant means patience and understanding of someone's ignorant or rude language and behaviour.