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Lactate threshold is caused when lactate production exceeds lactate clearance during exercise or increasing intensity.

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Q: What does lactate cause?
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Can lactate milk cause acne?

yes, because of the germs in the milk...

Do mares produce milk or colostrum if they have never foaled?

Hormone levels can cause mares to lactate and mares can be induced to lactate using domperidone and oxytocin. Generally, the mares do not produce colostrum.

What does lactate mean in a cerebrospinal analysis?

Lactate in cerebrospinal fluid analysis can indicate a variety of conditions, such as bacterial meningitis, brain tissue injury, or metabolic disorders. Elevated levels of lactate can suggest a disruption in normal cellular metabolism or oxygen supply, which can be valuable for diagnosing different neurological conditions.

Can yaz cause you to lactate?

I've been taking YAZ for almost a year and have never lactated

What is the name enzymes that catalyzes the formation of lactate during lactate fermentation?

lactate dehydrogenase

Which of the following are true about lactate dehydrogenase?

Correct answer: I, II, III and IV

Is L-lactate a chiral molecule?

Yes, L-lactate is a chiral molecule as it has a stereocenter at the carbon atom bound to the carboxyl group. It exists in two enantiomeric forms, L-lactate and D-lactate, which are non-superimposable mirror images of each other.

What coincides with - but does not necessarily cause- the muscle fatigue and burning pain in the muscles that accompanies intense physical exercise?

build up of lactate

When lactate builds up in a runner's muscles it causes a burning sensation. What cause this to occur?

The muscles do not have enough oxygen for aerobic respiration.

What if the following most likely explains the burning he feels in his muscles?

Lactate is the most likely cause of the burning you feel in overworked muscles.

What is the most sensitive indicator of hypoperfusion?

Lactate levels are typically considered the most sensitive indicator of hypoperfusion. Elevated lactate levels can indicate inadequate tissue perfusion and oxygen delivery, often seen in conditions like sepsis, shock, or heart failure. Monitoring lactate levels can help in assessing the severity of hypoperfusion and guiding treatment.

Do cows have to mate in order to lactate?

Not quite; they have to give birth to a calf in order to lactate.