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A lack of calcium will make your bones brittle. This can make them break more easily than they would if you consumed normal levels of calcium.

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Q: What does lack of calcium do to your bones?
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What are the hazards of calcium?

i think that lack of calcium makes your bones weak.

How does a lack of calcium affect a sports person?

Lack of calcium can lead to bone deficiencies. Lack of calcium can also cause bones to be brittle. If one plays sports and has a lack of calcium, and ends up falling hard or getting a hard hit, broken bones can easily occur.

What is the disease caused by lack of calcium?

Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. Calcium deficiency can lead to disorders like osteoporosis (brittle bones)

What would lack of calcium do to bones?

Your bones will become weak and break easily.

What disease are caused by lack of calcium?

Weak bones

Lack of calcium causes?

When people get old, the bones would not stay strong, and you lack vitamin D, if you lack calcium, take calcium with other minerals in it like magnesium/D complex. 400 hundred mil of D is not enough for healthy bones.

What lack in the diet of a person that suffers from brittle bones?

Brittle bones are often due to a major lack of calcium in a person's diet.

What causes bones in the human body to become brittle?

Your bones can become brittle from lack of calcium. Calcium levels become low when you don't have many dairy or calcium rich products. Coke, Fanta or any other carbonated drinks are VERY bad for calcium levels and can lower them extremely.

How does lack of calcium affect the skeletal system?

With a calcium deficiency, the bones can become porous, and weak. The body can leach calcium from the teeth and bones to satisfy its needs. Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by weakened bones and multiple bone fractures.

What hormonal problem might a person which soft bones from lack of calcium have?

Osteoporosis is related to lack of estrogen and progesterone.

What bones disease is caused by lack of calcium in diet?

Lack of calcium is known as hypocalcemia, can cause brittle bones, abnormal heart beat, ocular lesions and subsequently increase the risk of osteoporosis, the most critical stage in which the bones appear spongy and become brittle.

What elements is found in limestone that humans need for stronger bones?

The element found in limestone that humans need for stronger bones is Calcium. Lack of sufficient calcium can lead to osteoporosis, especially in women.