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Q: What does katnisss realize right before the passes out?
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What does kat realize right before she pass out?

It's cuz I'm black

What does kaniss realize right before she passes out?

Before Katniss blacks out from her Tracker Jacker stings she realizes that Peeta had just saved her life, and had fought Cato for her. Katniss also blacks out after injecting Peeta with medicine. She lays down from her lose of blood, and the last thing she remembers is that an exquisite butterfly lands on her wrist.

Why women think that only she has right on her man or partner and his family has no right on him and why they don't realize that his family was there before she came in his life?

she's stupid thats why MORON

When are the pulmonary valves closed?

When the blood flows from the right ventricle, it passes through pulmonic valve before it reaches pulmonary artery. Pulomic valve closes as blood passes here to prevent back flow.

What do I do when I love a girl and she doesn't love me back?

this would likely result in crying, until such sufficient time passes as you grow as a person and realize that you are not the perfect person for every girl you fall for, and you realize that this is okay too. patience, she's not the one, no matter what you think. when the right one comes along, you'll know and she'll know. in the meantime, she's just a very attractive, not the right girl for you.

How do say right through in scottish?

You do realize that the Scots speak English, right?

What is right of veto?

If congress passes a bill the president has the right to "veto" or not pass it.

What does the blood pass through to get to the right ventricle?

Blood passes through the right atrium to the right atrioventricular valve, or "AV valve" for short, into the right ventricle during pulmonary contraction.

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Pain in the esophagus is commonly called heartburn. Most people do not realize that the esophagus travels down right behind the heart before it connects to the stomach.

When blood passes from the Right Ventricle it does what?

it goes to the lungs

What does stenosis of the right foramen mean?

narrowing of the right opening through which the nerve passes

How do you make a man realize what he has?

You treat him right and make him realize that you are the goodness in his world and the one that can make him smile when he's feeling down.