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Allergies are the first thought in constant itching. You should keep a diary to see if you itch after you eat a certain meal. List all items in that meal. If you itch after putting on just washed clothes then check the detergent and use a double rinse and less detergent. If you are taking medicine, check with your doctor to see if allergies are a possibility.

Trying taking a shower and applying hydocortoid products like Cortaid to the affected area. HOwever, if this a persistent problem, check with your doctor and take your diaries to show him or her what you did to determine the cause.

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14y ago
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14y ago

poison ivy

chicken pox

bug bite



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15y ago

There are well over 800 Causes for itchy skin. Try this address:

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13y ago

Mosquitoe bites, tarrantula hair, ticks, sunburn, peeling skin, etc.

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16y ago

you have chicken pox.

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12y ago

Usually, it means you have dry skin.

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Having Jock Itch does not mean that you have HIV. Jock Itch is a fungal infection. It is a type of ringworm.

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Is itch an appropriate word to use instead of scratch like someone saying itch my back?

NO. You have an itch so to relieve it you scratch it. To say someone should itch your back when you mean he or she should scratch it because it itches, is just as silly as asking another person to sit on your haunches.

Is it nessesary to clean your penis?

Yes, very much so. Otherwise it will smell funny and itch.

What does the saying 'scratch your own itch' mean?

It means for you to satisfy yourself, as only you know how best to do so.

What does make your teeth itch mean?

It means it get's on your nerves, as if it's an itch you can't scratch.

What do it mean when your nipples itch?

Your boobies are growing

What do you do if you itch?

itch them -O that helps. Ok so if your boobs are itching, that means that you are going through puberty and they are growing. Or it could mean that your bra is no that clean, and you havn't showered in a while, or they are sweating. OR THEY JUST ITCH. Its normal for all girls, but just don't scratch too hard. =]

Is it true that when you hear about bugs you itch?

i think that it depends on how scared or how much you hate bugs personally i do not itch i have had a conversation with an acquaintance of mine and they have started to itch

Why does your left leg itch so much?

your allergic to something you just ate. don't worry you won't die