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Q: What does it mean when you go deaf in 1 ear temporarily?
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Which ear is Julius Caesar deaf in?

his left ear. he tells the person he is talking to to go on his right side because that one is deaf.

Can you go deaf if you had pledge on your hands then sctarched your inner ear?

You Can not

Why did the Wife of Bath hit Jenkin?

The Wife of Bath hit Jenkin because he tore a book in anger and hit her on the ear, causing her to go temporarily deaf in that ear. This event was part of the tension in their marriage, which was tumultuous due to their frequent arguments and power struggles.

Why do people go deaf?

People can go deaf for many reasons. Some may suffer an injury and damage the ear. Others may have a growth inside the ear develop. The ear drum may be punctured, or a neurological condition may be present.

What happens if an ear infection does not clear up?

you can ose the ability to hear in that ear

How people become deaf?

Being exposed to very loud sounds can make people deaf or cause them to have certin dieases to the ear involving the ear such as an ear ache. I you have an ear ache go to a hospital ASAP or a Dr. ear aches cause pain in the ear be prepared for an ear ache any type inner ear middle ear or outer ear.

Are hearing ear dogs alowd to go anywhere with a deaf person?

yes they are allowed to go anywhere

How can people become deaf?

People can become deaf through various means, such as genetic factors, exposure to loud noise, aging, infections, diseases, or injuries to the ear. Some individuals are born deaf, while others may become deaf later in life due to these different factors. Early detection and intervention are crucial for managing hearing loss.

What happens when you go on an airplane with an ear infection?

Dont! if you go on a plane with an ear infection it could cause you to be deaf or it could really really hurt! One more time dont go on an airplane with an ear infection!

Can you get deaf from having a stuffy ear?

I have been wondering the same thing. I have a stuffy ear right now. Usually no. It certainly feels like you can though, huh?! But usually no. I mean, if you have a certain, side affect or what ever it is, like tinitis, you can, but no. I have constant ringing in my ears, and so when ever I have a stuffy ear, I always worry about that. You won't go deaf. Hope I could help!

What can loud noises do to your ear?

your ear drums shake with every sound so the louder the music, the more damage is done to the ear drum and canal. you could go deaf.

Can deaf becoming boxing?

no I don't think so however you can go deaf if people punch you dead hard in the ear.