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Either there was something bad in the cookie, you're allergic to the cookie, or you just really don't like cookies. Check the expiration date and list of ingredients.

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Q: What does it mean when you feel sick after eating a cookie?
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What does it mean when you feel sick after eating?

You ate too much.

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Probably not but you might burn your tongue, and feel sick after eating it.

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because it has salt which is bad for you

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A person can feel sick for a few reasons. Some might be.... *Spoiled / "bad" food, food poisoning *Eating too quickly *Eating too much *Allergic reaction to food *Too much movemtn after eating *Acid reflux *Indigestion

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Just as humans could feel sick from eating such a thing, a dog can feel the same way. I doubt he's going to die from it, but it might make him sick.

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In English "I feel sick" can mean multiple things: "I feel bad" = "Eu sento-me mal" "I feel sick" (like a cold) = "Eu sento-me constipado"

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yes.. i feel it could do something to ur stomach

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Either they've turned veggie or feel a bit sick...if they keep doing it for a long time...days on end then take them to the vets.

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Do you mean, "can your cat get sick from eating an opossum?" If that is what you mean, the answer is sometimes. Eating an opossum isn't different from eating any other kind of animal they might kill and eat, but the opossum might have some sort of disease that can transfer to your cat. It is common for cats to get tapeworms from eating their kill.

Why does eating breakfast AND not eating breakfast make me feel sick but I never actually am physically sick?

if you eat breakfast on random days and then not on those days inbetween, then it's your metabolism, (how fast your body uses food).

What to do to not feel sick after eating a brownie and cake and cookie?

Aside from not eating brownie, cake, and cookie? Smaller portions would be a great start. Your body probably wasn't too happy with the sudden high influx of sugar, which is not used to. If you really must have all three then have a little bit of each. A bit of protein and fat (say a glass of milk) may help slow down the insulin crash you probably felt.

If you feel sick at the thought of having to stand up in front of everyone and get off buses whenever you are travelling on a bus alone to the point where you are physically sick what does this mean?

It means that you feel sick