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Did you possibly leave a tampon up there last month? Feel around with a couple fingers and pull it out if you did. You may want to give your GYN a call if you can't find any thing on your own or go to the ER. Don't be embarrassed you are not the only person this has ever happened to.

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Q: What does it mean when you are on your period but you are having a brown discharge with a sour smell?
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Clumpy discharge then few days later bloody and brown discharge with some cramps but no itching swelling or odor and period isn't due for 2 weeks I'm on birth control is this a yeast infection?

No yeast infections smell and itch you are just having a simple period

When brown liquid leaves the vagina and have a smell?

Vaginal discharge is not usually brown. This could be from an infection in which dried blood from your period is coming out... I would get it checked out by a doctor since it is not supposed to be brown!!

What happens when your nolonger on your period but you have brown discharge and a bad odor and you shower every day?

It doesn't matter if you shower every day... Your discharge should never smell you should go to the doctor to see what might be wrong

Period smell and no period?

If you are not on your period, and you feel like you are because of the smell, you probably just have discharge. A clear gooey substance which can smell at times. No reason to worry, if u dont like the smell, consider body spray over clothes.

I am 6 weeks pregnant However since yesterday when I wipe I have noticed some DARK BROWN discharge that is stringy I am having a lot of pain and having smell also?

I had a similar situation and I was fine. If you have cramps then you really need to go to the doctor.

Is discharge normal after your period?

Yes as long as the discharge does not smell bad or worse than your period and should only last a couple of days. If longer than two days go to the doctor.

What does it mean when you start getting brown discharge on your last days of your period its the first time i get this on the last days of my period?

the brown discharge is just old blood. I freaked out myself when I was bleeding like pink and then it went straight to brown. My gynecologist said that it is old blood coming out. As you get older, as a woman, your body will go through changes. I'm in my thirties and my body is still experiencing changes, even down do the way you smell. I have to shower more now like when I was a teenager.

Is It Normal that Lots of Discharge During My Period?

Yes, one does get discharge along with blood during a menstrual cycle but if it is excessive and also has a fowl smell you should consult a doctor.

Is brown slimy discharge a sign of pregnancy?

Brown discharge is usually a indication of blood in the discharge. If you had sex around 8-14 days ago then this could be implantation bleeding. If your due a period in the next few days it could be pre-period discharge. If your itching and the discharge smell it is a yeast infection which you need some fungal cream for.

You are on birth control and have white clumpy discharge?

If it is clumpy but soft and without a smell and occurs after your period it should be normal, but if it is thick and in particles are cheese like, then you either having a fungal or bacterial infection. See a doctor of advice on medication.

What is brown discharge that has a bad smell if its coming from your butt crack?

Unless you are actually experiencing a bowl movement - any unexpected anal discharge of any type should be discussed with your family doctor.

How do you tell the difference between discharge and pee?

Discharge is a fluid secreted by the vagina as a normal bodily function, while pee refers to urine expelled from the bladder. Discharge is usually white or clear in color, has a mild odor, and can change in consistency throughout the menstrual cycle. Urine, on the other hand, is usually yellow and has a distinct smell.