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There could be many reasons, but you should get this checked out by your doctor so they can evaluate it and start proper treatment.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy has sex and he grows a white bump where all the hair is on his penis?
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What does it mean when yo have a big bump on your penis?

A big bump on your penis can be an infection, a tumor, an ingrown hair, or a vein. See your health care provider for accurate diagnosis.

What is a sac from which hair grows?

The root is part of hair embedded in the follicle in dermis. It has an attached smooth muscle which can contract causing the hair to stand up right. This causes the skin to form a slight bump which we call a 'goose bump'.

What is the name for the hair that grows around the sexual organs?

Pubic hair. It's use is a little harder to justify. It is just a carry over from our ancestors. A few hundred thousand years to a few million when we were a lot hairier. Same a chest hair, armpit, back. All hair probably started as an insulator when it was colder. We just don't need it anymore and have lost most of it through mutation.

After you get hair on your penis in puberty what happens next?

there is no step by step process for puberty a series of things could happen next or you could be donebut usually after the hair grows so does the body,penis, and voice deepens

What happens to boys juring puberty?

Your penis grows Your balls get bigger You get hair in places Your voice gets deeper You get taller

Is it normal to have 'white' hair growing on your face during puberty?

Yes, white or very faint hair often grows on the face when you're still developing.

White bumps on your balls?

Its were your hair grows don't worry about it all my friends ask me about that.

How do you grow a pube line from your belly button to your penis area the line of hairs?

Hair grows by itself, you don't have to do anything to grow it. Thread the remaining/surrounding hair and leave the hair in the line alone :-)

How much hair does a white person grow in one month?

the average white person grows about half an inch a month. The hair at your shoulders is about 2 years old.

What do Bump It hair inserts do?

The Bump It hair inserts can be used for getting a retro 60's hairstyle where the hair at the crown of the head is lifted up so that a bump is formed.

What is public hair?

The correct term s pubic hair. It is the hair that is developed on the private parts of the human body such as the vagina & penis. This is normal and if it grows a little too much you may trim it or shave a little.

What changes does puberty do to a boy?

The penis and testis grows in size, facial and pubic hair and hair under the arms, increase in height, shoulders get broader.