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Take a pregnancy test . There is very light bleeding when the fetus and the placenta implant.

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Q: What does it mean to have a period come a week early then be very light and have a period come 17 days later with only spotting?
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You have light spotting instead of a period what is it?

If u have light spotting instead of my period what could it be?

Is red spotting common early pregnancy?

Spotting in gernal is very common in early pregnany. As the new baby pushes itself into the blood lining of the uterus, the extra blood sometimes comes out in spotting or a very light period

Is spotting part of your period?

It could be ovulation spotting, a light period or implantation bleeding

Is the last day of spotting heavy?

No all the spotting should be light , and not last as long as your normal period. Yes, this is very normal during the early weeks of pregnancy.

Your daughter is 7 and she was spotting light pink is that the start of her first period?

It is a little early for her period the average is 9 but take her to a female doctor and get her checked out if your worried.

What is considered a light period?

spotting and not bleeding.

How do you know the difference between early pregnancy spotting and a light period?

There may not be much difference although implantation spotting (if you have it) is usually just that, a few spots only, whereas a light period is steady over a few days. answer There is 2 bleedings you can have in pregnancy one called spotting and one called Implantation bleeding. Implantation blood can last from 1-2 days its just a spot of blood. Spotting can last a few days up to 6 days and it just a light period I got told but proper light.

1 day late and the next day have light spotting?

If your period is one day late and the next day you have light spotting, it could be the beginning of your period. It is quite normal for the first couple of days of your period to be light.

Should you be worried if you had a normal period then you had light spotting afterwards but a few days later you and your boyfriend had sex and the spotting got heavier then settled after a few days?

You should take a pregnancy test to be safe.

Is it normal to spot a day before your period?

Yes, spotting a day before your period can be normal for some women. This may be due to hormonal fluctuations and changes in the uterine lining. If the spotting is light and stops before your period starts, it is generally not a cause for concern.

Trying to get pregnant period isn't due for 7 days for 2 days i have had light brown spotting is it normal could it be implantation spotting when should i test the bleeding is now gone?

You could be pregnant. I had brown spotting 10 days before my period was suppose to start. 5 days later I took a First Response (5 days before your missed period) and it came back positive. If you take it that early and it comes out negative, it could be a false negative. It is still best to wait 5 to 10 days after a missed period. Good luck!

You started your period a week early Iv been spotting for 4 days brown discharge with light cramping could you be pregnant?

possibly, or it could be a very early miscarriage ....... or it could just be your body doing weird things during your period