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Q: What does it mean if your throat hurts but you don't have strep?
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If your esophagus hurts you may have strep throat.

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What is strip throat?

Do you mean strep throat? Strep is a type of bacteria that can grow in your throat. Google "strep throat" for more info.

What does it mean when your throat has a tingly feeling like a soar throat?

If you feel fine its proably just a scratch or something in the back throat. If you dont feel to well then you have strep throght. If you have strep see a doctor immedially

If you have strep throat but am running temp of 97.5 What does this mean?

It just means you have a sore thoat but dont have strep throat. You probly just ate something spicy and your thoat is reacting to it in a way that is making it sore.

What is Struck Throat?

You probably mean "Strep" throat. google it.

What does it mean if it hurts when you cough?

you may be too tense. try and relax, even when you cough hard.

What is struck?

You probably mean "Strep" throat. Google it.

Does inflamed throat mean strep?

sometimes. An inflamed throat refers to tonsilitis or sore throat. It can refer to any sickness of the throat.

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What is the scientific name for strep throat?

The bacterium is called "streptococcal pharyngitis". This is the strain which causes strep throat. There are many other causes for sore throat as well, so be sure and check with your doctor if you have a fever of 101 or higher. Strep throat can only be diagnosed 100 percent by running blood tests, so just because you have a sore throat doesn't mean you have strep. Drink plenty of fluids because fluids help the body rid itself of toxins as well as keep you hydrated and helps to move that mucous out of the body.

How do you spell strep as in strep throat?

you spelled it right.I am doing a research paper for strep, and the full name is Streptococcus. :]Or do you mean spell it in full? In which case it's Streptococcus.