I have found blood in my stool does this mean colon cancer
In medical terms, stool means feces.
stool (thottukoodathathu (that which cannot be touched) excreta, faeces, stool, etc.)
Duho mean is a ceremonial stool.
Theres not enough info why your liver is blocked but I know black stool can mean beeding. It will have an bad smell to it.
Negative blood in stool test means no blood was found in that particular smear from that particular stool sample. Good news.
Referring to stool that does not appear to contain the heme commonly associated with colorectal CA;
if your stool is black then there is alot of iron in your system. those who take iron tablets, their stools are black.
That is one possibility.
No, blood in a dogs stool can mean any number of things from mild to serious. Take your dog to the vet along with a stool sample if possible.
Call your health care provider in the morning, unless the blood is heavy (staining your underwear).