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Arrhythmia means go see a doctor to check your irregular heartbeat

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That is known as bradycardia and can lead to decreased cardiac output unless stroke volume is increased.

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Q: What does it mean if your heart only beats 45 times in a minute?
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How many heart beats per minute should a 3 year old have?

only one heart is ever in a baby, beating or not beating.. Oh wait did you mean how many beats per minute does a baby's heart beat? if that's the question the answer is SEARCH BEFORE YOU ASK

What is one pulse one?

If by pulse you mean heart rate, it is measured in number of beats per minute.

What does target heart rate zone mean?

The target heart rate zone is when the pulse reaches the goal of beats per minute from exercise. It is not recommended to go below 50 beats per minute during exercise.

What does pulse rate mean?

Pulse rate is how fast your heart pumps blood to the rest of your body.-Chloe SalomPulse rate is how fast your heart pumps blood to the rest of your body. from the hands

What does pulse mean?

the times your heart beats during a one minute period.

48 beats per minute aat age 21?

im 21 and my heart beats at same rate :)) its normal if you are an athlete (soccer,basketball, in my case martial arts ..) ... that mean your heart is strong and pumps same amount of blood with less beats

Resting heart rate of 64 what does this mean?

It means you need to go see your doctor and have an EKG run, and probably a Cardiac Stress Test. Something is wrong. Your resting heart rate should be lower than when you are up and active.

What does it mean if your is beating at 52?

I am assuming you mean a heart rate of 52 beats per minute. This is called Bradychardia. Anything under 60 is considered bradychardia. This is not uncommon in very fit people or people who are asleep. The average range for adults is 60-80 beats per minute. Certain drugs such as beta blockers can cause a slow heart rate. It can also be a sign of an impending heart attack.

What is a healthy resting heart rate for a 40 yr old male?

Your resting heart rate is how many times your heart beats per minute while you are at "rest". The best time to check this is upon awakening in the morning, before walking around, eating, or having caffeine. While there is some debate on this topic it seems that a healthy heart rate is: Between 60 and 75 beats per minute for men Between 60 and 80 beats per minute for women. The fitter you are the lower your heart rate will be. Some professional athletes have a resting heart rate as low as 30 beats per minute! On the other hand, if you have a heart rate over about 80 beats per minute then you should seek medical advice regarding your health and diet as you may need to make some changes.

What is the most a human heart beats per minute?

the average is 70 but sports training will condition the heart to beat slower. Jean claude Van Damme in his best days of physical shape had a heart beat of 50 pulse per minute. that is outstanding shape. Never the less you have to concider also that low heart beat can mean a bad heart condition also since a previous heart attack can make your heart beat slower for the rest of your life.

Should you have a very fast heart beat when you are resting?

According to some sources, the normal resting adult heart beats regularly at an average rate of 60 times per minute. If your heart rate does not exactly match that number, it does not necessarily mean that you are sick. Obviously, you had better check with your doctor for an accurate diagnostic. == ==

How many times does a heartbeat in a minute while resting?

the always beats resting or not, if it stopped you would die. But assuming you mean how often does it beat during rest. Well that depends on how fit you are. Someone, like a runner, who does a lot of Cardio-vascular exorcise (gets the heart pumping fast) will have stronger heart muscles than some one who sits around all day. This means that their heart doesn't need to beat as fast as it can push more blood around the body in one pump than the other persons. for the average healthy (but not fit) man its 64-72 beats per minute at rest and for the Average healthy Woman around 72-80 BPM