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u are going to die a painfull death and it will hurt sooo bad u will cry wen u die it will be the worst pain ever

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Q: What does it mean if your head and chest hurts and its hard to breath?
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Your chest hurts when you breathe and my head hurts?

If your chest hurts when you breath and your head hurts as well, you should go to the emergency room. If you can not go right now, you should at least have someone around you to make sure your OK.

If you have cold chills your head hurts your chest hurts and you sleep more than usual whats wrong with you?

You have a cold dummy ;)

You hit your head on the corner of a file cabinet and your head hurts What will happen to you?

Depends on how hard you hit it.

What type of sentence is your head hurts?

Your head hurts is a declarative sentence.

What are the two ways to determine whether your patient's airway is open?

When you give a breath you have to see the chest rise if not reposition the head and try again

How would a newborn baby break it's neck?

step on its chest and twist its head as hard as possible

Should you breath slow or fast while running track?

While running track be sure to take in large,slow breaths,and breath out quickly,if your lungs begin to feel sa if they are tightening place your hands ontop of the head in order to open up the airways.While you take in breaths take in hard breaths to keep the airway open,however not so hard that it hurts or begins to tingle.Breath out slow slow sort of soft breaths.

How are werewolfs destroyed?

You need to have any type of silver.You either can hit them in the head or the chest hard enough to change them back.

Your head still hurts after your head-cold?


What could it be if you have a bump on the lower base of your head it is located on the left side and it hurts to touch and it hurts to move my head as well as smile?

did you hit your head? ....

Were do the butterfly breath?

they breaTH THROUgh their head

Did you bruise crack or brake your ribs it hurts if you breath deeply or cough it hurts alot if you lie on your stomach it happened when you jumped forward in soccer to head the ball and got a knee in?

It is possible that you could have bruised or even fractured a rib from the impact of the knee in soccer. It's important to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment to ensure proper healing. In the meantime, try to avoid activities that put pressure on the injured area and consider taking pain relievers as needed.