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so? Does it mean you are going to loose you're hair? But if you are that scared, condition you're hair, press it out, my hair is thick so thin haired people i have no idea what ta say. I mean its a dream every one has such crazy dreams, but if you're hair Begin's falling out, we do shed hair. But if you began getting bald spots, talk to you're doctor tell him about the dream, even though they could think you're weird. Who really cares as long as yer fine. I even recommend that some tracks, weave, wigs would kill ya now would it. They have those videos on U tube, thanks for reading this, oh and Lady didn't type that what did beyonce name her child. Some phyla did it, probably, I mean Lady Gaga is with Taylor Kinney, she wouldn't cheat. Anyway, really just listen to what I said.

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13y ago

On Average You Lose 100 Hairs A Day.

Sometimes You Can Lose Alot Of Hair If Your Stressed.

I Got In A Panic When My Hair Started Falling Out Alot ... It Wasn't Full Strands Of Hair Just Little Bits Which I Concluded Was From Breakage Via Bleaching My Hair From Black To Blonde Then Back To Black All The Time.

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14y ago

it could be you are stressed or you are not taking enough nutrients for you hair especially

iron and protein

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