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Your body was numb for a second

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Q: What does it mean if you have the feeling as if sand is trickling inside your head?
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it is a happy feeling inside

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I am not quite sure what you mean by "Bass drum cover"But I have a feeling you mean the front head called the Resonant Head of the bass drum.A hole allows for a mic to be placed somewhat inside the drum to capture the whole sound of the drum.

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Maybe a feeling of rage and anger inside of you

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it means you dont have feelings

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mood means the way you are feeling. Or the way your inside feels to have your day.

Does mood mean?

mood means the way you are feeling. Or the way your inside feels to have your day.

What it mean if im sore down below?

exhausted and feeling something hard inside!:)

What does a pressing feeling on the back of head mean?

There are a number of possible causes for feeling pressure at the back of the head. They include tension headaches, migraines, headaches originating from the neck area, and inflamed sinuses.

What does it mean if a hamster tilts his head to the side?

It may have a growth on it head otherwise it may be not feeling well you should definetlyy take it to a vet

What does it mean to be emotional?

Emotional is basically what your feeling inside your heart no one else can feel it but you and the emotion will show as a feeling for example if you're happy and gonna smile