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There is no special meaning to a 40 day cycle. Talk with your health care provider if you are trying to get pregnant. Otherwise, just continue noting the timing of your periods.

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Q: What does it mean if you are getting your period every 40 days or so for the last 2 months and have been off NuvaRing for almost five months and off depo provera for almost 8 months?
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Related questions

How is Depo-Provera used?

Depo Provera is a hormonal medication that is given by injection every three months

Can you have a Depo-Provera injection once a month?

No, Depo Provera is given about every three months, not every month.

How soon does Depo-Provera take to get out of your system?

about 3 months

Does skipping two months of NuvaRing make you more fertile?

Being on NuvaRing prevents pregnancy; stopping NuvaRing means you no longer have pregnancy protection. There is no special fertility turbo boost from recently stopping birth control.

Have other women experienced bleeding for months after discontinuing NuvaRing?

Sure, but Nuvaring is unlikely to be the cause. If you're having continuous spotting or bleeding, get an exam to find the cause.

What are warning signs of a miscarriage on the nuvaring?

The signs of pregnancy on NuvaRing are positive pregnancy test and missed periods. Take a pregnancy test if you think you might be pregnant.

How long after removing NuvaRing do depression symptoms disappear?

usually a cycle but can be 4 months

How long does it take your body to regulate after stopping provera?

It can take up to 12 months for your cycles to regulate after stopping provera. This doesn't mean that you won't menstruate in that time, but there may be a lot of irregularity for the first few months.

What are signs that you can get pregneat after the Depo-Provera shot?

Signs that you CAN get pregnant after the shot? Getting your period for one. It take several months for the shot to get out of your system (although it has happen sooner for some women).

Can NuvaRing cause cramping?

Some women complain of cramping in the first months of using NuvaRing. If your cramping lasts longer than three cycles or is troublesome, contact your health care provider for advice and a possible exam.

Is It ok to bleed for 3 months and then spot for a day and then not have any bleeding anymore after that on your first injection of the Depo-Provera?

It may be inconvenient, but it's very typical on depo provera

When will your body go back to normal when stopping the depo?

Depo Provera hormones will leave your body within weeks of stopping Depo Provera. Your regular period may return immediately or up to 18 months later; the average is 11 months.