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crisp lol its a potatoe chip sorry for not taking it seriously

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Q: What does it mean if the first sound of the heart is not as crisp as it should be?
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What heart sound is stronger at the apex of the heart?

First heart sound S1-LUB

What are the heart chambers that are filled when you hear the first heart sound?

after the first heart sound is made ventricles starts emptying.

What is the sound of a crisp?

I presume you mean the sound of eating a crisp, which case it is a crackling sound usually with the mouthing of, and hence the sound of, "hhhhhhum", then a muffled crunching sound as the teeth (molars) grind up and break down the crisp with the help of saliva.

It works very well and phone calls sound crisp and clear?

It works very well and phone calls sound crisp and clear

Where is the s1 heart sound heard the loudest?

S1 makes a "lub" sound. It is the first heart sound in a normal rhythm. The sound is produced when the AV valves close.

When your heart pounds what is making the sound come from your heart?

The sound coming from your heart is the sound of the valves in the heart closing and the turbulence in the blood that results. In a normal healthy adult the first sound (or lub) is from the closing of the AV valve and the second sound (or dub) is from the closing of the semilunar valve.

The heart chambers that have just been filled when you hear the first heart sound are the?


What parts of the heart make the beating sound?

The first heart sound, the so called "lub", comes from the closure of the atrioventricular valve. The second heart sound, the "dup", comes from the closure of the semilunar valve.

What is the dupp sound of a heart contraction?

A normal heart beat generally consists of 2 distinct heart sounds, informally termed 'lub' and 'dub'. The first heart sound (lub) occurs at the beginning of the heart contraction (systole) and is the sound of the valves between the atria and ventricles closing. The second heart sound (dub) occurs at the end of the contraction, and is the sound of the valves between the major arteries and the ventricles closing.

What are the clumbers that have been emptied after the first heart sound?


The first heart sound lub is caused by what?

The first heart sound "lub" is caused by the closing of the mitral and tricuspid valves during the beginning of systole (ventricular contraction). The closure of these valves creates vibrations in the surrounding fluid and tissues, resulting in the characteristic sound.

Would turbulence of blood flow through the aortic valve give rise to the first heart sound?

No. The heart sounds are caused by the closure of heart valves. The first heart sound is caused by the closure of the AV valves (tricuspid and mitral). The second heart sound is the result of the closure of the aortic and pulmonic valve after the completion of systole. Turbulence of blood flow through the aortic valve would cause a murmur (an abnormal heart sound) during systole.