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It could be a disease or an allergic reaction. See your doctor if the issue gets worse.

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Q: What does having circles on your tongue mean?
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What are White circles on the tongue that are red in the center?

White circles on the tongue could be many things. It could be mouth sores, it could be a geographic tongue, or it could be a reaction to something the person ate.

What does having tiny black dots on your tongue mean?

It mean that your tounge has not well dele

Are circles in the same plane and having the same center congruent circles?

Yes, it is. Circles that are in the same plane and having the same center are called congruent circles.

What are circles having the same center?

concentric circles

What does concentric mean?

Concentric means having a common center, such as circles within circles where each one shares the same central point.

What are concentrate circles?

AnswerThat would be circles with different sizes, having the same center.AnswerConcentric circles have a common center and different radii.Bulls eye could be an example of concentric circles.ans; Concentric circles are nothing but 2or more circles having common center but having different radius.Source:

What are Circles having same centre but different radii called?

Concentric circles are circles with the same common centre.

What is meant by having a sandpaper tongue?

dry/rough tongue......

What should you do if you don't know what to do when your tongue goes furry?

The pressence of a furry feeling on your tongue could mean that you need to brush your teeth and remember to brush your tongue as well. It can also mean that you are having an allergic reaction to a medication you are taking. Its always best to seek the opinion of your doctor.

What does having your tongue pierced mean?

There is no meaning to tongue piercing and there are lots of meaning to tongue piercing, it just depends on what your take is on it. It's normally just a style issue or a very personal issue but no one meaning covers the variables.

What does it mean when you stick out your tongue?

I think it means the man is interested in having a sexual relationship with you. It means they are being silly/ignorant and doesn't mean anything.

What are the raised circles on the tongue?

taste buds. This makes more surface area to react with food tastes