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It means you have control of your emotions

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Q: What does emotionally stable mean?
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Affected by feeling vs emotionally stable means?

Affected by feeling: emotionally less stable Emotionally stable: mature, face reality, calm

What part of speech is the word stable?

The word "stable" can be used as both a noun (a building where horses are kept) and an adjective (steady or unchanging).

What things about a person can change after a breakup?

Their appearance might change, and they might be less emotionally stable.

What happened to Lina?

She was not emotionally stable and committed suicide by jumping off a 10 story building

In In Cold Blood what evidence is there that Perry is not mentally stable?

There isn't direct evidence but because of his family background and the way he depends on Dick to do the "dirty work" could mean that he is emotionally unstable. Also, his artistic gifts and his obsessions with people could also be evidence that he is not mentally stable.

How do you be stable emotionally?

To be emotionally stable, practice self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, journaling, or spending time with loved ones. Develop coping strategies to manage stress and seek support from trusted individuals or a therapist when needed. Setting boundaries and practicing mindfulness can also help regulate emotions.

Why would a 6th grade boy dump you in 4 days all the time?

Because they are not emotionally stable to understand what a relationship is.

What does stable normal mean on a mammogram?

it is stable

My friend goes through a lot at her house emotionally can she move out at the age of 17 because of this?

she can petition to be emancipated. She would likely be granted emancipation being that she is 17 and considering she is able to provide for herself financially and is emotionally stable.

How do you spell stable in French?

Do you mean stable as in stability? It is the same. Stable. But stable for horses is etable.

What does break a persons heart mean?

Upset them emotionally

Are there positions for people with mental illness?

Yes , plenty. Providing that you are mentally and emotionally stable a person with a mental illness can have any job they want.