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Circumcision can be extremely painful, especially in the days following the procedure. It is also extremely painful to get erections for the first few weeks following circumcision. Erections can also rip out the stitches, requiring another surgery. Circumcision caries with it other serious risks of adverse outcomes including prolonged bleeding, infection, and surgical error that can result in damage to the penis. For these reasons most physicians recommend against circumcision. Circumcision can have long lasting consequences. Circumcision removes a normal part of the penis that functions to protect the glans of the penis. Removal of the foreskin can cause decreased sensitivity of the penis and decreased pleasure during sexual intercourse. This is yet another reason why circumcision is becoming increasingly uncommon. Circumcision is far less common now in the United States than it once was. During the 1970s and 1980, around 80% of male infants were circumcised in the United States. A study conducted in the United States from 2005-2007 found that circumcision rates had fallen to below 40% in most of the United States. In the western United States, fewer than 25% of infant males were circumcised in 2005-2007.

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15y ago
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15y ago

It's an EXTREMELY painful surgery, so the doctor might give you pain reliever for the first few days.

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12y ago

it feels great to have intact genitalia. it work beter for both male and female.

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8y ago

very painfull

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Have we to pull the foreskin back to cover it after Circumcision or leave it like that?

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What was given to the Jewish babies to help them not feel the pain of circumcision on the 8th day after birth?

A few drops of wine.

What is the meaning of circumcision in the part of your BODY?

Circumcision is the amputation or removal if you like oft he prepuce or foreskin which covers the glans penis in normal intact men.

You are 37 uncircumcised men you like to circumcised is it possible now?

Yes, circumcision can be performed at any age. In fact, it is far easier to perform circumcision on adults.

If the man is wearing a condom can the woman still feel whether or not he is circumcised?

circumcision is just the removal of foreskin so she may not know it.

Does circumcision affect length?

No, the penis is not shortened by circumcision.

Do Asian boys get circumcised?

I assume you're joking. It all depends on the parents and how they feel about it. If not getting a circumcision for their child is something they believe in, then no, if not, then the assumption is yes.

What means to cut open in Greek?

To cut open in Greek is cise, like in circumcision

Is circumcision over come infertility?

Circumcision has nothing to do with infertility.

Is there government assistance for circumcision?

No, government health care programs like Medicaid in the United States or the National Health Service in the UK do not provide infant circumcision since it is not a medically necessary procedure. Circumcision has no known medical benefits, and no major medical association recommends routine infant circumcision. Circumcision caries with it serious risks of adverse outcomes including prolonged bleeding, infection, severe pain, and surgical error that can result in damage to the penis.

How do you get rid of circumcision scar?

The circumcision scar is permanent and it can not be gotten rid of.

Is circumcision part of puberty?

No, it is nothing to do with it. Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin from the penis.